When Is the Best Time to Ask Customers for Yelp Reviews?

published on 13 October 2024

Here's the quick answer:

  • Right after a positive experience
  • 1-2 weeks after purchase for products
  • Immediately after service completion

But remember: Yelp doesn't want you to ask for reviews directly.


  • Make your Yelp page easy to find
  • Provide excellent service
  • Respond to all reviews

Key strategies:

  1. Use subtle reminders (Yelp stickers, website links)
  2. Time requests based on business type
  3. Tailor approach to customer age groups
  4. Avoid common mistakes (asking too early, overdoing it)
  5. Track metrics to measure success
Business Type Best Time to Hint at Reviews
Restaurants After meal
Hotels At checkout
Online stores 3-5 days post-delivery
Services Job completion

Focus on creating experiences worth raving about. The reviews will follow.

Yelp's Review Rules


Yelp's got some strict rules about reviews. Their goal? Keep things honest.

Here's the big one: Yelp doesn't want you asking for reviews.

Why? They think it leads to biased ratings. Their software tries to spot and filter out reviews that seem pushed by businesses.

Yelp's key rules:

  1. Don't ask for reviews
  2. No review competitions
  3. Avoid review requests after surveys
  4. No incentives for reviews

Yelp's serious about this. They even flag businesses that break these rules.

So what can you do? Yelp says focus on great service instead. As they put it:

"More smiles mean more great reviews."

Here's a quick look at Yelp's do's and don'ts:

Do Don't
Give great service Ask for reviews
Show Yelp branding Offer review incentives
Respond to reviews Push for changed reviews
Say you're on Yelp Review your own business

Yelp wants real experiences. They want reviews from people who really want to share.

Fun fact: Most Yelp reviews are positive. Yelp says most are four or five stars.

You can't ask for reviews, but you can encourage Yelp activity:

  • Use "Find Us on Yelp" stickers
  • Say "Check us out on Yelp!" in emails
  • Encourage Yelp app check-ins

The key? Let people know you're on Yelp without asking for reviews. It's tricky, but it keeps you on Yelp's good side.

What Affects When to Ask for Reviews

Yelp doesn't want direct review requests. But you can still boost your reviews by understanding what influences customers to leave them.

Customer Happiness: The Key Factor

Happy customers = better reviews. It's that simple.

A study found:

  • Happy customer reviews: 4.34 stars (average)
  • Unprompted reviews: 3.89 stars (average)

Focus on customer satisfaction first. The reviews will follow.

Product/Service Timing

Different offerings need different approaches:

Type Best Time for Review Hints
Restaurants Post-meal
Hotels Check-out
Online stores After delivery
Service businesses Job completion

Wait until customers have fully experienced what you offer.

Know Your Customers

Age and habits matter:

  • Younger folks: Prefer text messages
  • Older customers: Respond better to emails


  • 95-99% open rates
  • 90% read within 3 minutes

Don't ask directly. Try this instead:

"Thanks for your business! Loved your experience? We're on Yelp."

This approach keeps you Yelp-friendly while encouraging reviews.

Timing tip: Studies show 2-3 PM and 6-7 PM are prime review-writing times.

Best Times to Ask for Yelp Reviews

Timing matters for Yelp reviews. Here's when to ask:

After Good Experiences

Happy customers = better reviews. But don't ask right away.

A study shows:

When to Ask Effect on Reviews
Next day Fewer reviews
5-9 days No change
13 days More reviews

After Service or Delivery

Ask at these times:

  • Restaurants: After the meal
  • Hotels: At check-out
  • Online stores: Post-delivery
  • Service businesses: Job done

Most people don't review instantly. Only 8% post on the same day.

Follow-Up Messages

Use follow-ups smart:

1. Email timing: Mid-week mornings. Can boost responses by 10%.

2. Keep it short: Try this:

"Thanks for choosing us! How was it? Let us know on Yelp."

3. Don't overdo it: One or two reminders max.

Pro tip: Use automated emails or texts with Yelp page links. Makes reviewing easy.

Ways to Encourage Yelp Reviews

Want more Yelp reviews? Here's how to nudge customers without asking directly:

Let People Know You're on Yelp

  1. Add your Yelp page link to your website, social media, and email signatures.
  2. Use Yelp's free marketing materials to promote your page.
  3. Share good Yelp reviews on social media. It reminds others to leave their thoughts too.

Use Yelp Signs and Stickers

Yelp's free stickers are eye-catching and effective:

Sticker Purpose How to Get It
"Find Us on Yelp" Shows you're on Yelp Request from Yelp's website
"People Love Us on Yelp" Highlights high ratings Sent to qualifying businesses twice yearly

Put these stickers in your window or on your counter. They'll catch eyes and prompt reviews without you saying a word.

Show Yelp Reviews on Your Website

Use Yelp badges - small widgets that display your Yelp rating on your site. Here's how:

  1. Go to Yelp's website
  2. Find the badge you want
  3. Copy the HTML code
  4. Paste it on your site

Why do this? It builds trust AND reminds happy customers to share their experiences.

Remember: DON'T ask for reviews directly. Yelp frowns on that. Instead, make it super easy for customers to find and use your Yelp page.

Best Times to Ask Based on Business Type

Timing is key when it comes to getting Yelp reviews. Here's how different businesses can nail it:

Restaurants and Hotels

For restaurants, strike while the iron's hot:

  • As the server clears plates
  • During payment
  • When the customer's leaving

Hotels? Checkout is your golden hour.

Business Prime Time
Restaurants Post-meal
Hotels Checkout

Shops and Online Stores

Retail timing depends on the product:

  • Quick-use items: Ask at sale or right after
  • Items needing time: Follow up in 1-2 weeks

Online stores can use smart email timing:

  • Most items: 3-5 days post-delivery
  • Complex products: 2-3 weeks later

Service Businesses

Service timing varies:

  • One-offs (plumbers, electricians): Right after the job
  • Ongoing (gyms, salons): After key visits (1st, 10th, 50th)
  • Projects (contractors): At milestones and wrap-up

Remember: Don't ask for Yelp reviews directly. Instead, make it easy for customers to share their thoughts online.

Fun fact: 87% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses. Time it right, and you'll boost your Yelp game.

ReputationDash: Tools for Managing Yelp Reviews


Managing Yelp reviews can eat up your time. That's where ReputationDash steps in. This platform offers tools to help you handle your Yelp presence more efficiently.

ReputationDash provides two main features:

  1. QR Code Creation
  2. Review Management Tools

Let's break it down:

QR Code Creation

This tool creates QR codes linking straight to your Yelp page. It's a smart way to make reviewing easier for your customers.

Review Management Tools

These tools help you track and respond to Yelp feedback. They're designed to save time and boost customer engagement.

Here's a quick look at how these tools can help:

Tool Benefit
QR Code Creation Simplifies finding and reviewing your business
Review Management Speeds up feedback tracking and response
Embed Review Tool Displays Yelp reviews on your website

"Showing Yelp reviews on your website gives readers a real customer's view of your business." - Jayme Hitchcock, Midwest and Toronto

By using these tools, you can:

  • Make it easier for happy customers to leave reviews
  • Respond quickly to all feedback
  • Showcase your best reviews on your own site

Keep in mind: Yelp doesn't want businesses asking for reviews directly. Instead, use these tools to smooth out the review process for customers who want to share their thoughts.


Learning from Past Reviews

Past Yelp reviews are a goldmine. They show when customers are happiest and most likely to leave positive feedback.

Finding When Customers Are Happiest

To pinpoint the best times for review requests:

  1. Analyze review patterns

When do 5-star reviews come in? After lunch? Weekends? Big events?

  1. Check review content

What do happy customers mention? Look for common themes.

  1. Use data tools

Yelp offers a .csv file with review data. Use it to spot trends.

Here's a simple way to track review themes:

Theme Positive Mentions Negative Mentions
Food Quality 45 5
Service Speed 30 10
Atmosphere 25 2

This table shows what customers love (and don't) about your business.

  1. Look for seasonal trends

More good reviews in summer? Around holidays? Time your requests accordingly.

  1. Consider the "1 in 5 rule"

For every complaint, 5 others might have the same issue but stay quiet. Address problems fast to boost happy customers.

By studying past reviews, you can:

  • Find the best times for new review requests
  • Improve weak spots
  • Double down on what customers love

Happy customers leave good reviews. Use what you learn to make more customers happy, more often.

Changing Your Approach for Different Customers

Age impacts how people leave Yelp reviews. Let's break it down:

Age Groups and Review Habits

Age Group Review Frequency Platforms Response to Requests
18-29 High Social media, Yelp Fast, critical
30-60 Moderate Yelp, Google Balanced
61+ Low Yelp, BBB Less often, more positive

Tailoring Your Approach

1. Young adults (18-29)

These folks know reviews. They're quick to post, but can be harsh.

  • Use SMS or social media
  • Give clear instructions
  • Show why their feedback matters

2. Middle-aged (30-60)

They're the balanced bunch.

  • Mix digital and traditional methods
  • Focus on their experience
  • Try email or in-person requests

3. Older adults (61+)

They don't review often, but when they do, it's usually positive.

  • Stick to traditional methods (receipts, face-to-face)
  • Explain how reviews help local businesses
  • Keep it simple

Pro tip: Timing is key. Ask younger customers right away. Older folks might need time to think it over.

Mistakes to Avoid

Let's talk about two big no-nos when asking for Yelp reviews.

Jumping the Gun

Asking for reviews too early? Bad move. Here's why:

  • Customers haven't fully experienced what you offer
  • They might feel pushed, leading to lower ratings
  • You'll come off as pushy or fake

Do this instead:

Give customers time to think about their experience. For restaurants, wait a day. For services like haircuts, give it a week.

Overdoing It

Bombarding customers with review requests? Even worse:

  • It's annoying and hurts relationships
  • Makes your business look bad
  • Might get you in trouble with Yelp
What Happens Why It's Bad
Lower search ranking Harder to find you on Yelp
Consumer Alert Yelp slaps a warning on your page
Tired customers Less engagement, possible lost business

How to play it cool:

  • Ask once per customer
  • Spread out your requests
  • Focus on great service, not constant review-seeking

Here's a kicker: Yelp says 54% of people don't trust businesses that push for reviews. Let them come naturally from happy customers.

Checking If Your Review Strategy Works

Want to know if your Yelp review strategy is paying off? Here's what to keep an eye on:

Key Metrics to Watch

1. Page Visits and Customer Leads

Log into your Yelp for Business account and check these numbers:

  • Page Visits: How many people clicked on your listing
  • Customer Leads: Actions taken after visiting your page
Lead Type What It Means
Mobile Check-Ins People at your location
Mobile Calls Direct phone inquiries
Website Clicks Interest in more info
Directions & Maps Potential visits

2. Review Metrics

Keep tabs on:

  • Total review count
  • Average rating
  • Response rate (shoot for 100%)

3. Response Time

Yelp users want quick replies. Aim to respond within 24-48 hours.

4. Conversion Rate

Got 1,000 searches but only 10 Page Visits? That's a 1% conversion rate. Boost it by:

  • Adding keywords to your business info
  • Uploading great photos with captions
  • Using Yelp's free tools

5. Customer Satisfaction Trends

Spot patterns in your reviews. Common praises or gripes? Use this info to level up your business.

Here's a fun fact: In 2020, 32% of consumers used Yelp to check out local businesses. By 2022? That jumped to 48%. Yelp's getting bigger, so make sure you're on top of your game!


Asking for Yelp reviews is tricky. Here's what you need to know:

1. Timing matters

Ask when customers are happy:

  • Right after a good experience
  • 1-2 weeks after buying
  • As soon as you finish a service

2. Make it simple

Give clear instructions and direct links to your Yelp page. The easier, the better.

3. Follow up (but don't nag)

One gentle reminder is okay. More than that? You're pushing it.

4. Get your team on board

Your staff can help. Train them to encourage reviews without being pushy.

5. Always respond

Good or bad, reply to every review. It shows you care.

6. Use different channels

Don't rely on just one method:

Channel What to Do
In-store Put up "Find Us On Yelp" signs
Email Add Yelp link to signatures
Website Use a Yelp badge
Social Media Share good reviews

7. Focus on being great

Want good reviews? Be awesome. As Migs Bassig says:

"A stream of 5-star reviews from customers helps showcase the best that your brand has to offer."

Remember: Yelp isn't a fan of asking for reviews directly. Instead, make people aware of your Yelp page and give amazing service. The reviews will come.


How to get more 5-star Yelp reviews?

Want more 5-star Yelp reviews? Here's the secret sauce:

  1. Nail your customer service
  2. Make your Yelp page super easy to find
  3. Always respond to reviews (yep, ALL of them)

But here's the kicker: DON'T ask for reviews directly. It's a big no-no.

Instead, subtly remind folks you're on Yelp:

  • Slap a Yelp link on your website
  • Put up "Find us on Yelp" signs in your store
  • Add a Yelp link to your email signature

How to solicit Yelp reviews?

Here's the deal: Yelp doesn't want you asking for reviews. But you're not out of options:

  1. Train your team to casually mention Yelp
  2. Send follow-up emails hinting at feedback
  3. Show off your Yelp page on social media
Do Don't
Make your Yelp page easy to spot Ask for reviews directly
Provide knockout service Offer perks for reviews
Respond to every review Push customers to review

How to increase Yelp reviews?

Want more Yelp reviews? Try these tricks:

  1. Claim and jazz up your Yelp page
  2. Add Yelp buttons to your site
  3. Stick Yelp stickers in your store
  4. Show off your best reviews
  5. Always respond to feedback

Here's a fun fact: 7 out of 10 customers will write reviews if asked. But remember, Yelp isn't a fan of direct requests. Focus on creating experiences worth raving about instead.

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