How to Spot Fake Reviews: Tools & Tips

published on 18 October 2024

Fake reviews are costing businesses $152 billion globally. Here's how to spot them:

Key signs of fake reviews:

  • Extreme language (overly positive or negative)
  • Vague comments lacking details
  • Copy-paste phrases across multiple reviews
  • Suspicious timing (e.g., floods of reviews)
  • Sketchy profiles (generic names, no photos)

Tools to detect fake reviews:

  • Fakespot: AI-powered review checker (Amazon, eBay, Best Buy)
  • ReviewMeta: Analyzes Amazon reviews in-depth
  • The Transparency Company: AI tool for brands

Manual ways to spot fakes:

  • Check reviewer profiles
  • Look for verified purchases
  • Study writing styles
  • Examine review dates
  • Compare multiple reviews

Quick Comparison:

Platform Key Features Red Flags
Google AI detection, blocked 170M fakes in 2023 Generic usernames, stock photos, review clusters
Amazon Verified Purchase badge Short 5-star reviews, overly positive language
Yelp Review filters, trusted reviewers New accounts, vague details, lack of photos
Facebook Personal profiles Incomplete profiles, few friends, review-only posts

Remember: Use multiple methods to verify review authenticity. Stay vigilant and trust your instincts when reading online reviews.

What Are Fake Reviews?

Fake reviews are phony testimonials meant to influence buyers. They're a big problem online, with up to 40% of reviews potentially fake.

Types of Fake Reviews

  1. Positive fakes: Boost a business's image
  2. Negative fakes: Harm competitors
  3. Paid reviews: Bought in bulk
  4. Incentivized reviews: Given for freebies or discounts

Why People Write Them

  • To increase sales
  • To hurt competitors
  • For money
  • To counter bad feedback
  • To support new products

The Damage They Cause

Fake reviews can:

  • Destroy trust
  • Cost businesses money
  • Lead to legal issues
  • Harm reputations

"Your brand isn't what you say it is — it's what Google says it is." - Unknown

This quote shows how online reviews shape business reputations.

Real-life example: In 2023, an author lost her book deal after writing fake negative reviews about other authors.

Platform Fake Reviews Caught (2022)
Amazon 200 million
Tripadvisor 1.3 million

These numbers show how big the problem is.

Both businesses and customers need to watch out for fake reviews. Knowing what they are and why they exist is key to fighting this growing issue.

Signs of Fake Reviews

Spotting fake reviews isn't rocket science. Here's what to look out for:

Extreme Language

Fake reviews often go overboard. They're either gushing with praise or dripping with hate.

"If a review sounds like a commercial or a rant, be suspicious." - William DiAntonio, Reputation911 CEO

Vague Comments

Real reviews get into the nitty-gritty. "Amazing product!" without any backup? That's fishy.

Copy-Paste Jobs

Seeing the same phrases pop up in multiple reviews? That's a red flag. It's likely someone's churning out fake reviews en masse.

Weird Timing

A flood of reviews out of nowhere? That's not normal, especially right after a product launch.

Suspicious Timing What It Might Mean
Bunch of 5-stars on one day Fake review campaign
Surge after product debut SEO manipulation attempt
Sudden negative avalanche Coordinated attack

Sketchy Profiles

Fake reviewers often have tell-tale signs:

  • Names like "John D."
  • No profile pic or obvious stock photo
  • Only glowing or scathing reviews
  • Reviews for random products worldwide

Real talk: In 2023, TripAdvisor caught and axed 1.3 million fake reviews. It's a big problem.

To protect yourself:

  • Check out reviewer profiles
  • Look for specific details
  • Watch out for sales-pitch language
  • Pay attention to review patterns

Tools to Find Fake Reviews

Let's look at some tools that help spot fake reviews:



Fakespot uses AI to check reviews on Amazon, eBay, and Best Buy. It grades reviews from A to F based on how real they seem.

What it does:

  • Checks spelling and grammar
  • Looks for weird patterns in when reviews are posted
  • Has a browser extension for easy use

Remember: Fakespot's grade is about the reviews, not the product. Use it with other research methods.


ReviewMeta focuses on Amazon reviews only. It digs deep into the details.

It does these things:

  • Recalculates star ratings
  • Flags suspicious reviewer behavior
  • Gives new ratings after removing possible fake reviews

Here's an example:

ReviewMeta looked at Good'N'Fun Triple Flavored Rawhide Kabobs:

  • Original rating: 4.8 stars
  • New rating: 4.5 stars
  • 43% of reviews looked fishy

The Transparency Company

The Transparency Company

This tool uses AI to find fake reviews for brands. It:

  • Calls reviews "real" or "fake"
  • Looks at tons of fake business reviews
  • Helps brands see what shady stuff competitors are up to

Quick Comparison

Tool Where It Works Cool Feature Best Use
Fakespot Amazon, eBay, Best Buy Letter grades Fast checks
ReviewMeta Just Amazon Deep dive Serious Amazon research
The Transparency Company Many places AI detection Brands wanting to prove they're legit

These tools are helpful, but they're not perfect. As Tommy Noonan from ReviewMeta says:

"Nothing is ever perfect."

Use these tools as part of your fake review detective work, not as your only method.

Manual Ways to Spot Fake Reviews

You don't always need fancy tools to catch fake reviews. Here's how to do it yourself:

Check Reviewer Profiles

Look for these red flags:

  • No review history
  • Only extreme ratings
  • Generic usernames
  • Missing profile pictures

Fun fact: Yelp axed over 26,000 rule-breaking reviews in 2022. Many had sketchy profiles.

Look for Verified Purchases

On Amazon, the "Verified Purchase" badge is your friend. No badge? Be extra cautious.

Study Writing Styles

Watch out for:

  • Super short, detail-free reviews
  • Over-the-top language
  • Copy-paste vibes across multiple reviews
  • Sloppy writing

Real reviews? They talk about specific features and personal experiences.

Check Review Dates

Be suspicious of:

  • Review clusters on a single day
  • Pre-launch reviews
  • Sudden review spikes

William DiAntonio, CEO of Reputation911, puts it bluntly:

"Be skeptical of any review that gives extreme praise or criticism without any reasons to back it up."

Compare Multiple Reviews

Real Reviews Fake Reviews
Mixed ratings Mostly 5-star or 1-star
Specific details Vague praise or complaints
Varied writing Similar wording
Spread out over time Date clusters

Tips for Different Review Platforms

Each platform has its own way of handling fake reviews. Here's what to look for:

Google Reviews

Google's AI is getting better at catching fakes. In 2023, they blocked 170 million fake reviews. But some still slip through. Watch out for:

  • Generic usernames like "John123"
  • Stock image profile pics
  • Clusters of 5-star reviews in a short time

Use Google My Business to report suspicious reviews. More evidence helps your case.


Look for the "Verified Purchase" badge. No badge? Be skeptical. Also watch for:

  • Short 5-star reviews
  • Overly positive language
  • Similar wording across reviews

Amazon removed over 200 million fake reviews in 2022.



Yelp uses filters and marks trusted reviewers. Still, be alert:

  • New accounts with only 1-2 reviews
  • Vague praise or complaints
  • Lack of photos in reviews

Yelp removed over 26,000 rule-breaking reviews in 2022.


Facebook's tricky because it's tied to personal profiles. Look for:

  • Incomplete profiles
  • Few or no friends
  • Profiles with only product reviews
Platform Key Features Red Flags
Google AI detection, 170M blocked (2023) Generic usernames, stock photos, review clusters
Amazon Verified Purchase badge Short 5-star reviews, overly positive language
Yelp Review filters, trusted reviewers New accounts, vague details, lack of photos
Facebook Personal profiles Incomplete profiles, few friends, review-only posts

Online reviews aren't just about spotting fakes. They're a legal minefield. Let's break down the rules and ethics of review management.

FTC Rules

The FTC isn't messing around with fake reviews. Here's the deal:

  • New rule announced August 14, 2023
  • Effective October 21, 2024
  • Violations? Up to $51,744 per instance

What's banned:

Don't Do This It Means
Fake Reviews Making, buying, or selling phony reviews
Pay-for-Play Offering perks for good (or bad) reviews
Hidden Connections Not disclosing relationships in reviews
Fake Independence Pretending your controlled site is independent
Bullying Using baseless legal threats to kill bad reviews

Business Risks

Fake reviews aren't just wrong. They're dangerous:

  • Lawsuits for false advertising
  • FTC fines: $10,000 per violation
  • Reputation? Destroyed

"The FTC can and will issue fines against businesses caught using fake reviews." - Ethan James, Financial Writer at Lendza

Ethical Review Management

Do it right:

1. Ask, Don't Push: Want reviews? Ask. But don't pressure or bribe.

2. Be Transparent: Connected to a reviewer? Say so.

3. Always Respond: Good or bad, answer every review professionally.

4. No Censorship: Don't delete bad reviews unless they break rules.

5. Stay Vigilant: Use tools like ReputationDash to keep tabs on your reviews.

Tips for Businesses

Smart businesses know how to get and handle real reviews. Here's the scoop:

Getting Real Feedback

Want honest reviews? Try these:

  • Ask when it makes sense. Like after a good meal at a restaurant.
  • Use texts. People open them way more than emails.
  • Make it simple. Give a direct link or QR code to your review page.

Kaitlin Martin from Choice Windows says: "We give customers a small card with a QR code to our Google My Business page after every job."

Answering Reviews

Reply to ALL reviews within 24 hours. Why? Over 75% of people expect it, according to The Sprout Social Index™ 2022.

Do Don't
Say thanks Ignore bad feedback
Talk about specifics Use cookie-cutter responses
Offer fixes Fight or make excuses

Checking Review Authenticity

Spot fake reviews like this:

1. Look for weird stuff:

  • Tons of reviews all at once
  • Reviews that sound the same
  • One-hit wonder reviewers

2. Try tools like Fakespot or ReviewMeta

3. Check out reviewer profiles for fake account red flags

Using ReputationDash


ReputationDash helps manage your online rep:

  • See reviews from everywhere in one spot
  • Get pinged about new reviews
  • Figure out how customers feel
  • Catch potential fake reviews

Jasz Joseph from SyncShow shares: "We use an NPS survey every quarter. If a client scores us high, we ask if they'd write a good review."

Tips for Consumers

Smart shoppers use reviews to make good choices. Here's how:

Check Multiple Sources

Don't stick to one site for reviews. Look around:

  • Amazon, Walmart, and Target have reviews
  • Each site might show different feedback
  • More sources = better picture

Focus on Detailed, Verified Reviews

Long, specific reviews from real buyers are gold. They give you the real scoop.

Look For Why It Matters
Verified purchase They actually bought it
Specific details They used it
Pros and cons More trustworthy
Recent date Product might've changed

Use Review Analysis Tools

These tools can help spot fakes:

  • Fakespot: Grades Amazon, Walmart, and eBay reviews
  • ReviewMeta: Analyzes Amazon reviews

"Look at a variety of sources, not just one website or platform." - Michael Atleson, FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection

Trust Your Gut

If something seems off, it probably is. Watch out for:

  • Too many 5-star reviews
  • Reviews that sound like ads
  • Lots of reviews on the same day

82% of U.S. adults check reviews before buying. But 62% think they've seen fake ones in the last year. Stay sharp!


Fake reviews are still a big headache for businesses and shoppers. In 2022, Yelp kicked out over 26,000 rule-breaking reviews. TripAdvisor caught 1.3 million fakes in 2023. The battle's far from over.

Both companies and customers need to stay on their toes:

Businesses Customers
Monitor review sites regularly Check multiple sources
Encourage genuine feedback Look for detailed, verified reviews
Respond to all reviews Use tools like Fakespot

The future of review checking? It's a tech race:

  • AI's getting better at spotting fakes
  • But it's also writing more convincing fake reviews
  • We'll need smarter tools to keep up

"The online review world is the wild west, and there is no sheriff." - Kay Dean, Fake Review Watch founder

As fake reviews evolve, so must our detection methods. Stay alert, use the right tools, and trust your instincts when reading reviews.


What tool is used to identify fake reviews?

Fakespot is a go-to tool for spotting fake reviews. It uses AI to grade review reliability from A to F. Mozilla's 2023 acquisition of Fakespot expanded its reach beyond Amazon.

How to use Fakespot:

  1. Paste a product link into Fakespot's analyzer
  2. Run a report
  3. Or use the browser extension for quick checks

Pro tip: Combine Fakespot with tools like ReviewMeta for a fuller picture.

Which of the following is a good way to recognize fake online reviews?

Here are key signs of fake reviews:

Red Flags What to Check
Reviewer Profile Name, picture, review history
Writing Style Spelling, grammar, generic language
Review Timeline Many reviews in a short time
Content Lack of detail or too many specifics
Sentiment Extremely positive or negative tone

Do companies post fake reviews?

Yes, some do. But it's illegal and risky.

The FTC is getting tough:

  • New rule in August 2024 bans fake reviews
  • Fines up to $50,000 per fake review seen
  • A supplement maker got hit with a $600,000 fine for fake Amazon reviews

"Companies posting fake reviews often run the risk of disappointing their own customers. Most of the time, their offerings don't match the fabricated glowing reviews that customers find online." - Michael Atleson, FTC Staff Attorney

Smart businesses focus on real feedback instead of risking fines and trust.

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