How to Make My Business Stand Out from Competitors

published on 17 October 2024

Here's how to set your company apart:

  1. Build a strong brand identity
  2. Provide exceptional customer service
  3. Use social media effectively
  4. Try creative marketing ideas
  5. Offer unique products or services
  6. Leverage customer reviews
  7. Show social responsibility
  8. Share your expertise
  9. Set the right prices
  10. Improve your loyalty program

Quick Comparison:

Strategy Key Action Example
Brand Identity Create consistent voice Apple's minimalist design
Customer Service Train staff well Zappos' 365-day returns
Social Media Build online community Glossier's user-generated content
Creative Marketing Try guerrilla tactics AirBnB's political campaign spoof
Unique Offering Fill market gaps Netflix's streaming service
Customer Reviews Use tools like ReputationDash Best Buy's product ratings
Social Responsibility Support aligned causes Patagonia's environmental focus
Share Expertise Create helpful content HubSpot's marketing blog
Pricing Strategy Set value-based prices Starbucks' premium coffee
Loyalty Program Offer personalized rewards Sephora's Beauty Insider program

Standing out isn't just about being different. It's about being better in ways that matter to your customers. Focus on solving real problems, going the extra mile, and connecting with your audience authentically.

Create a Strong Brand Identity

A clear brand image helps you stand out. It makes customers remember you and pick your stuff over others.

Your logo is your first impression. Keep it simple and memorable. Take Ventana Surfboards & Supplies. Their logo shows they care about the environment and craftsmanship. It tells you what they're about right away.

Tell Your Brand's Story

Share your journey and values. Glossier nails this with their "Skin first, makeup second" philosophy. It's in everything they do, from packaging to social media. This clear message makes them pop in the crowded beauty world.

Keep Your Brand Voice Consistent

Use the same tone everywhere. Duolingo's known for being funny and snarky on social media. It's different from other language apps, and people love it.

To build your brand identity:

  1. Nail down your values and mission
  2. Know your audience
  3. Create your look (logo, colors, fonts)
  4. Find your voice
  5. Use your brand stuff everywhere

"Brand identity isn't just slapping a logo on coffee cups. It's about creating a personality that shouts your brand's DNA." - Jared Rosen, Senior Brand Manager at Wayfair

A strong brand is more than a logo. It's the whole package that shows what you're about and connects with your people.

2. Provide Great Customer Service

Customer service can make or break your business. It's not just fixing problems—it's about making customers feel like VIPs.

2.1 Train Staff Well

Your team is your company's face. Help them shine:

  • Teach empathy and listening skills
  • Practice real customer scenarios
  • Update training based on feedback

Pro tip: Use actual customer interactions in training. It helps staff handle real-life situations better.

2.2 Personalize Customer Experiences

Everyone likes to feel special. Here's how:

  • Use customer names
  • Remember preferences
  • Give tailored recommendations

Starbucks nails this. Writing names on cups? Simple, yet personal.

2.3 Use Technology to Boost Service

The right tools can level up your service:

Tool Type Benefits Example
AI Chatbots Always-on support, quick replies Zendesk Answer Bot
CRM Software Track customer info and likes Salesforce
Feedback Systems Get and use customer input SurveyMonkey

Liberty, a UK store, crushed it with Zendesk. They now offer support through multiple channels. Result? Happier customers and more one-touch solutions.

Remember: Tech should boost, not replace, human touch.

"86% of customers will pay more for better service." - Zendesk Report

Great service isn't optional—it's a must. It builds loyalty, gets people talking, and can even justify higher prices. Make it your priority and watch your business soar.

3. Use Social Media Effectively

Social media is a goldmine for reaching new customers. With billions of users, it's a key tool for making your business stand out.

Pick the Right Platforms

Not all platforms work for every business. Choose based on your audience:

Platform Best For Key Feature
Facebook Wide reach 70% of users check daily
Instagram Visual brands High engagement with images
LinkedIn B2B networking Professional connections
TikTok Young audience Viral short-form videos

Start with 1-2 platforms. Master them before expanding.

Create Interesting Content

Good content gets shares, likes, and comments. Here's how:

  • Use more videos and less text
  • Share real photos, not stock images
  • Turn blog posts into infographics
  • Post customer reviews (78% of people trust them)

"Social media is about interacting with people on a personal level."

Build an Online Community

Getting people involved with your brand online is key:

1. Ask questions

Start conversations. A car dealer could post: "What was your first car?" Simple, but gets people talking.

2. Show appreciation

Thank customers and partners publicly. It builds goodwill.

3. Share behind-the-scenes

People love seeing how things work. Show your process or team.

Rachel Dunston built her cake business on Instagram. She shares cake photos and decorating videos, growing a loyal following and boosting sales.

Social media is about being social. Talk WITH people, not AT them. Your personality is your edge against big brands.

4. Try New Marketing Ideas

Want your business to stand out? Think outside the box. Here are some fresh ways to promote your company:

4.1 Consider Guerrilla Marketing

Guerrilla marketing is all about low-cost, unusual ways to grab attention. It's perfect for small businesses on a tight budget.

Some ideas:

  • Yarn bomb public objects with your brand logo
  • Use sidewalk chalk to create eye-catching ads
  • Pressure wash dirty walls to reveal your message

"The soul and essence of guerrilla marketing [is] achieving conventional goals, such as profits and joy, with unconventional methods, such as investing energy instead of money." - Jay Conrad Levinson

Take houseof, a lighting company. They ran a #houseofswitch campaign, giving away designer lights for photos of customers' ugly lighting. The result? 30% more website traffic and their best revenue month ever.

4.2 Work with Influencers

Teaming up with popular people in your industry can boost your reach. Even small, local businesses can get in on this action.

How to do it:

  • Partner with local creators who have followers in your area
  • Start small: Build strong connections with a few creators
  • Offer products or experiences as payment for smaller influencers
Influencer Marketing Stats
Average ROI $6.50 for every $1 spent
Brands using it (2017) 85%
Consumer trust 90% trust word-of-mouth over ads

4.3 Use Customer-Created Content

Get your customers to make content about your brand. This user-generated content (UGC) builds trust and gets people talking.

Try these:

  • Run social media contests for photos or videos
  • Show off customer reviews on your website
  • Create a branded hashtag for customers to use

Apple's #ShotOnIphone campaign is a great example. Users share photos taken with iPhones, showing off what the product can do. It boosted trust and cut costs for Apple.

Just remember: Always ask before using customer content, and give credit where it's due.

5. Offer Something Different

Want to stand out? Give customers something unique. Here's how:

5.1 Find Gaps in the Market

Look for unmet customer needs:

  • Talk to customers
  • Check online forums and social media
  • Survey the market

Netflix spotted a gap: on-demand streaming when most people still rented DVDs. They filled it and became a global entertainment leader.

5.2 Make Your Own Products

Create unique offerings:

  • Develop new products
  • Improve existing ones
  • Combine features in new ways

Best Buy introduced "store-within-a-store" partnerships with Samsung and Microsoft. This unique shopping experience set them apart from other electronics retailers.

5.3 Keep Improving

Don't stop innovating:

  • Get customer feedback
  • Watch market changes
  • Test new ideas

Spotify started as music streaming but added personalized playlists and podcasts to stay ahead.

Strategy Example Result
Find Gaps Netflix's streaming Global entertainment leader
Make Your Own Best Buy's store-within-a-store Enhanced shopping experience
Keep Improving Spotify's feature additions Stayed ahead in music streaming

6. Customer Reviews: Your Secret Weapon

Customer reviews can make or break your business. Here's how to use them to your advantage:

Ask for Reviews (Without Being Annoying)

Most customers are happy to share their experiences. You just need to ask:

  • Send a quick email after purchases
  • Use QR codes on receipts
  • Create a simple survey

Kaitlin Martin from Choice Windows says:

"After every job, we give customers a small card with a QR code to our Google My Business page."

Respond to ALL Feedback

Show customers you're listening:

  • Thank people for positive reviews
  • Address negative ones quickly and professionally
  • Offer solutions to fix problems

Here's a fun fact: 45% of people are more likely to shop with businesses that reply to bad reviews. (Podium survey)

Use ReputationDash to Manage It All


ReputationDash helps you stay on top of your online reputation:

Feature What It Does
Multi-platform monitoring Tracks reviews across sites
Automated alerts Tells you about new feedback fast
Sentiment analysis Spots trends in customer opinions
Review request automation Gets you more reviews

With ReputationDash, you'll streamline review management and get insights to make your business better.


7. Show Social Responsibility

Customers today care about more than just products. They want to support businesses that make a positive impact. Here's how to show your company cares:

7.1 Support Good Causes

Pick causes that align with your company's values and your customers' interests:

  • Donate a portion of sales to local charities
  • Sponsor community events
  • Give employees paid time off to volunteer

Patagonia's founder, Yvon Chouinard, gave away the entire company to fight climate change in 2022. He said: "If we have any hope of a thriving planet – much less a thriving business – 50 years from now, it is going to take all of us doing what we can with the resources we have."

This move shows Patagonia's deep commitment to environmental causes.

7.2 Use Eco-Friendly Practices

Make choices that help the environment:

  • Cut down on waste
  • Use renewable energy
  • Choose sustainable materials

Lego is working to be more eco-friendly. They aim to use green materials for all core products and packaging by 2030. They've already made plant-based pieces from sugarcane and shrunk box sizes to save cardboard.

7.3 Share Your Good Deeds

Let people know about your efforts:

  • Post updates on social media
  • Include info in your newsletter
  • Add a "Social Responsibility" page to your website

But remember: actions speak louder than words. Focus on making real change, not just talking about it.

Instead of saying "We support local charities", try "We donated $10,000 to the city food bank last year, providing 5,000 meals."

Company Social Responsibility Action Result
Microsoft Donated $255 million to 32,000+ nonprofits in 2022 720,000+ employee volunteer hours
Coca-Cola Aims for 100% recyclable packaging by 2025 Returns over 100% of water used in beverages
Starbucks Ethical sourcing program (C.A.F.E.) Verified farms on social and ecological criteria

8. Share Your Expertise

Want to stand out? Show off what you know. Here's how:

8.1 Write Helpful Content

Create stuff that solves problems for your audience. It builds trust and shows you're the real deal.

Sugar Geek Show, an online cake decorating platform, saw their organic traffic jump 269% from 2019 to 2021. Their free blog? It became their cash cow, bringing in 60% of their revenue in 2021.

8.2 Speak at Industry Events

Get on stage. It's a great way to network and boost your rep.

Tip: Start small with local meetups. Work your way up to the big leagues.

8.3 Host Learning Sessions

Run workshops or online classes. It shows you know your stuff and can bring in new customers.

Activity Benefits Examples
Write content Builds trust, boosts SEO Blog posts, ebooks, guides
Speak at events Ups your rep, networking Conferences, trade shows, meetups
Host learning sessions Shows expertise, attracts customers Workshops, webinars, online courses

Sharing knowledge isn't just showing off. It's about helping others and building relationships. The more value you give, the more you'll stand out.

"Content marketing can be a small business owner's secret weapon against bigger budgets. Use your unique industry view to get noticed." - Dale Bertrand, Founder and President at Fire&Spark.

9. Set the Right Prices

Pricing can make or break your business. Here's how to nail it:

9.1 Check Competitor Prices

Know what others charge. Don't just copy them, though. Use their prices as a starting point.

Pro tip: Use pricing intelligence tools to track competitors' prices over time.

9.2 Price Based on Value

Don't just focus on costs. Think about what customers will pay.

Pricing Strategy Description Best For
Cost-plus Add markup to costs Simple products
Value-based Set prices on perceived value Unique offerings
Competitive Match or beat competitors Commoditized markets

Value-based pricing often leads to higher profits. But it takes work:

  1. Talk to customers
  2. Run surveys
  3. Test different price points

"Companies must invest significant time with their customers to determine their wants and needs to develop a successful value-based pricing strategy." - Pricing Expert

9.3 Offer Product Bundles

Group items together for better deals. It can boost sales and perceived value.

Example: A software company offers eight graphic design apps for $49.99 a month, while one app costs $19.99 a month.

Don't set and forget your prices. Review them every 3-6 months to stay competitive and profitable.

10. Improve Your Loyalty Program

A solid loyalty program can set your business apart. Here's how to level up yours:

10.1 Create Useful Rewards

Give customers perks they'll actually use:

  • Starbucks: Points for free drinks
  • Sephora: Birthday gifts and early sale access

"Almost 75% of what drives customer engagement and loyalty are emotional perks." - Allegra Stanley, VP of Loyalty at Sephora

10.2 Make Rewards Personal

Tailor benefits to each customer:

  • Birthday deals
  • Product suggestions based on past buys
  • Rewards for social media engagement

IKEA's Family program nails this:

  • Free hot drinks
  • Food discounts
  • Member-only events

It makes customers feel like part of the IKEA clan.

10.3 Use Customer Data Wisely

Learn from your customers to boost your program:

Action Benefit
Track purchases Offer relevant rewards
Monitor redemptions Tweak unpopular perks
Analyze feedback Fix program issues

LEGO Insiders does this well, rewarding customers for:

  • Buying LEGO sets
  • Registering products
  • Engaging with the community

This builds connections and encourages participation.

A strong loyalty program can supercharge your business. Accenture found that loyalty members drive 12-18% more revenue yearly. Keep refining your program to outshine competitors.


Standing out from competitors is crucial in today's market. Here's how to set your company apart:

Strategy Action
Brand Identity Create a consistent brand voice
Customer Service Train staff for top-notch experiences
Social Media Build an engaged online community
Marketing Try guerrilla marketing
Product Offering Fill market gaps
Customer Feedback Use tools like ReputationDash
Social Responsibility Support aligned causes
Expertise Sharing Write content, speak at events
Pricing Set prices based on value
Loyalty Program Offer useful rewards

Olea and Fig says it best: "Making an impressive brand isn't about getting a fancy logo, catchy brand colors, or a pretty website with cool buttons. It's about connecting with your customers in a way that makes them think of you when they shop for what you sell."

To truly stand out:

1. Listen to customers

Ask for feedback and adapt.

2. Stay true to your mission

Focus on why you started your business.

3. Be flexible

The market changes. Be ready to adjust.

4. Solve real problems

Like Netflix ditching late fees, make customers' lives easier.

5. Go the extra mile

Take a cue from Zappos and put effort into customer experiences.

Remember: It's not about flashy marketing. It's about connecting with customers in ways that matter.


How does a company stand out from their competitors?

Companies can set themselves apart by:

  • Building a unique brand identity
  • Delivering top-notch customer service
  • Engaging on social media
  • Using creative marketing tactics
  • Filling gaps in the market

For example, a coffee shop might stand out by roasting their own beans in-store, offering a loyalty program with personalized rewards, or hosting weekly coffee tasting events.

What makes a brand stand out from competitors?

Brands can differentiate themselves through:

Strategy Example
Clear USP Tesla: Electric cars with long range and autopilot
Consistent messaging Apple: Sleek design and user-friendly tech
Customer focus Zappos: 365-day return policy
Quality products Patagonia: Lifetime guarantee on outdoor gear
Compelling story TOMS: One-for-One giving model

How to make a business stand out from its competitors?

To make your business shine:

1. Know your audience inside out

Understand what makes them tick. A pet food company might survey dog owners to create tailored nutrition plans.

2. Study the competition

What are they missing? A local gym could offer 24/7 access if competitors have limited hours.

3. Highlight your unique strengths

Maybe you're the only vegan bakery in town or offer the fastest delivery times.

4. Go above and beyond for customers

Like Fleet Feet's custom shoe fitting or Dental Bliss's spa-like experience.

5. Keep innovating

Stay ahead of the curve. A tech company might invest in AI research to develop cutting-edge products.

Remember: Standing out isn't just about being different. It's about being better in ways that matter to your customers.

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