How to Improve Your Yelp Rating and Attract More Customers

published on 09 October 2024

Want to boost your Yelp game? Here's the quick rundown:

  1. Nail customer service
  2. Optimize your Yelp page
  3. Get more genuine reviews
  4. Respond to all feedback
  5. Use Yelp's tools and ads

Why bother? Because:

  • 84% of people trust online reviews like personal recommendations
  • A single star boost on Yelp can increase restaurant revenue by 5-9%
  • 82% of consumers avoid businesses with less than 4 stars

Here's a breakdown of what affects your Yelp rating:

Factor Impact
Review Quality Active users with full profiles count more
Keywords Right words help in searches
User Activity Check-ins and page interactions matter
Business Info Complete, up-to-date profiles help

Remember: Yelp filters about 25% of reviews. To get more reviews to stick:

  • Encourage customers to fill out their Yelp profiles
  • Don't ask for reviews at your business
  • Avoid direct Yelp page links when asking for reviews

By focusing on these areas, you can improve your Yelp rating and pull in more customers. It's not a quick fix, but with consistent effort, you'll see results.

How Yelp's Rating System Works


Yelp's rating system isn't just about stars. It's a complex algorithm that aims to give users fair and useful info.

What Affects Yelp Ratings

Yelp looks at:

  1. Review Quality: Active users with full profiles? Their reviews count more.
  2. Keywords: The right words help businesses show up in searches.
  3. User Activity: Check-ins and page interactions matter.
  4. Business Info: Complete, up-to-date profiles help.

Fun fact: A study of plumbers in 10 cities found NO link between total reviews and Yelp ranking. Quality beats quantity!

Yelp's Review Filter

Yelp uses "recommendation software" to filter reviews. Here's the scoop:

  • 25% of reviews end up "not currently recommended"
  • These don't count for ratings or review numbers
  • The filter checks if a review seems legit

For example, reviews with profile pics are more likely to show up. One study found 71% of visible reviews had profile images, but only 45% of filtered ones did.

Yelp keeps its filter details secret to avoid cheating. But we know it looks at:

  • The reviewer's Yelp history
  • Signs of fake or asked-for reviews
  • Possible conflicts of interest

Yelp's tough on businesses trying to game the system. Get caught with fake reviews? You might get a "Consumer Alert" on your profile.

Want more genuine reviews to stick? Try this:

  • Get customers to fill out their Yelp profiles
  • Don't ask for reviews while customers are at your business
  • Skip direct Yelp page links when asking for reviews

Ways to Boost Your Yelp Rating

Want a better Yelp score? Here's how:

1. Nail Customer Service

Great service = better reviews. Train your team to:

  • Welcome customers warmly
  • Solve problems fast
  • Exceed expectations

Happy customers? More positive reviews.

2. Optimize Your Yelp Page

A complete profile builds trust. Do this:

  • Claim and verify your business
  • Update contact info and hours
  • Add quality photos
  • Write a killer description

Tip: Add Yelp icons to your site and emails.

3. Encourage More Reviews

You can't ask directly, but you can:

  • Use Yelp stickers in-store
  • Add a Yelp link to your site
  • Remind customers to share experiences

Yelp likes reviews from active users with full profiles.

4. Master Review Responses

Show you care by responding right:

Do Don't
Thank for positives Ignore negatives
Address issues calmly Get defensive
Offer solutions Make excuses
Take it offline Share personal info

89% of people read business responses and might spend 49% more at responsive businesses.

5. Use Yelp's Tools

Boost visibility with:

  • Check-in offers
  • Yelp Deals
  • Yelp Advertising

Keep your page active with updates on menus, deals, and milestones.

Getting More Customers from Yelp

You've boosted your Yelp rating. Great! Now let's turn those stars into customers.

1. Improve Your Online Presence

Link your Yelp page to your website and social media. Why? It:

  • Drives traffic between platforms
  • Boosts your SEO
  • Shows off your best reviews

Pro tip: Add Yelp icons to your site and emails. It's a subtle nudge for happy customers to leave reviews.

2. Try Yelp Advertising

Yelp ads can put you in front of ready-to-buy customers. Check this out:

  • 97% of Yelp users make a purchase after visiting
  • 90% buy within a week
  • 51% buy within a day

Yelp's ad system lets you target by location, choose your engagement type, and set your own budget (starting at $5/day).

Yelp Ad Feature Benefit
Sponsored Results Show up above organic search results
Competitor Pages Appear on similar business pages
Mobile Optimization Reach 79% of Yelp users on mobile

3. Join Yelp Community Events

Yelp events connect you with active users and local influencers. You'll get:

  • Face-to-face networking
  • Positive word-of-mouth
  • Potential for featured reviews

Bonus: Yelp offers free, branded signage for businesses. Use these in-store to encourage more reviews.

Don't forget: A complete Yelp profile is key. Businesses with full info get 7.6x more page views per month. Make sure yours has:

  • Accurate contact details
  • Business hours
  • High-quality photos
  • Detailed service descriptions

Checking Progress and Making Changes

Improving your Yelp rating isn't a one-and-done deal. You need to keep an eye on things and make tweaks as you go. Here's how:

Monitor Your Yelp Stats

Log into your Yelp for Business account and check out the "Performance Summary" section. It's like your Yelp dashboard:

Metric What It Tells You
Page Visits How many people clicked on your listing
Customer Leads Actions taken after visiting your page
Review Activity How often you're getting new reviews
Average Rating Your overall star rating

Keep an eye on your search impressions too. If you show up in 1,000 searches but only get 10 visits, that's a 1% click-through rate. Time to boost your visibility!

Update Your Yelp Game Plan

Use what you've learned to fine-tune your approach:

1. Tackle Common Issues

Look for patterns in your reviews. Are people always mentioning slow service? Or raving about a specific dish? Use this info to make smart improvements.

2. Boost Engagement

If your Customer Leads are low, try these:

  • Add more great photos with keyword-rich captions
  • Update your business description with relevant search terms
  • Respond to reviews quickly (aim for 1-2 days)

3. Get More Reviews

BrightLocal's 2024 survey found that 59% of people want to see 20-99 reviews before trusting a rating. If you're falling short:

  • Use automated emails to remind customers to leave reviews
  • Include direct links to your Yelp page in follow-ups
  • Put subtle reminders in your physical location

4. Check Out the Competition

Compare your stats to similar businesses nearby. It'll show you where you're falling behind or where you can stand out.


Boosting your Yelp rating isn't a quick fix. It's an ongoing process that needs focus and smart tactics. Here's how to improve your rating and pull in more customers:

1. Nail your service

This is key. Shane Bryant, Smart Air's founder, says:

"Being honest in this field seems pretty effective. We do a quality job and we're honorable. Yes, we make mistakes, but how we handle mistakes helps define us."

2. Optimize your Yelp page

Claim your page, add great photos, and keep info current. Make it easy for people to find you.

3. Engage with reviews

Answer positive and negative feedback fast. Show you care about what customers say.

4. Use Yelp's features

Try Request-a-Quote and check-in offers to connect with customers and get more reviews.

5. Keep an eye on stats

Check your Yelp data regularly. If page visits are low, work on boosting your search visibility.

Even small changes can make a big difference. Research shows a half-star bump on Yelp can increase business by 19% during peak hours.

Don't forget to mix Yelp into your other marketing. Share good reviews on social media, link to Yelp from your website, and add it to email signatures. This all-around approach can help Yelp drive your business growth.


How to increase rating on Yelp?

Want to boost your Yelp rating? Here's how:

  • Make customers happy. Great service = good reviews.
  • Talk to your customers. Answer ALL reviews.
  • Spruce up your Yelp page. Claim it, add pics, keep it fresh.
  • Turn bad reviews into wins. Show off your customer service skills.

What to do with a bad Yelp review?

Got a nasty review? Don't panic:

  1. Act fast
  2. Use their name
  3. Make it personal
  4. Say thanks (yes, really)
  5. Own up to the mistake
  6. Explain how you'll fix it
  7. Take it private if needed

How do I get my business higher on Yelp?

Climb that Yelp ladder:

  1. Get more reviews. Happy customers? Ask them to speak up.
  2. Add eye candy. Photos and videos make you stand out.
  3. Use the right words. Sprinkle relevant terms in your description.
  4. Stay on your toes. Regular updates show you're alive and kicking.
  5. Woo the "Elite" crowd. Their reviews pack a punch.

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