How to Identify the Perfect Moment to Request a Yelp Review

published on 14 October 2024

Want more 5-star Yelp reviews? It's all about timing. Here's how to nail it:

  • Ask right after a positive experience
  • Use customer data to guide your timing
  • Consider industry-specific timing (e.g., 2-3 PM and 6-7 PM often work well)
  • Personalize your approach
  • Give customers time to use your product (for e-commerce, wait 7-30 days)
  • Use CRM systems or review management software
  • Follow Yelp's rules (no direct asking for reviews)

Remember: Great service is the foundation for great reviews.

When to Ask Why It Works How to Do It
Right after service Experience is fresh Train staff to spot happy customers
During follow-ups Shows you care Use email or calls to check satisfaction
Special occasions Customers feel valued Leverage anniversaries or milestones
Based on data Targets satisfied customers Use NPS scores or purchase history

Key takeaway: Time your requests when customers are happiest, but focus on providing excellent service above all.

Know your customer's journey

Understanding when to ask for a Yelp review is all about knowing your customer's journey. Here's the breakdown:

Key customer interactions

Your customer's experience isn't just about what happens in your store. It's a whole journey:

  1. They find you online
  2. They reach out or book
  3. They show up
  4. You deliver your product or service
  5. They pay and leave
  6. You follow up after

Each step? A chance to impress - and maybe ask for that review.

Spotting happy customers

Happy customers = better reviews. But how do you know they're happy? Look for:

  • "This was great!" comments
  • Smiles and relaxed body language
  • Customers who keep coming back
  • People chatting with your staff
  • Good tips (if you're in that kind of business)

Pro tip: Get your staff in on this. They're your eyes and ears on the ground.

Here's a quick mood-to-review guide:

Customer Mood What it looks like Review Chances
Thrilled Big smiles, lots of praise High
Satisfied Polite, neutral Medium
Disappointed Complaints, frowns Low

Timing is crucial. Ask at the right moment, and you're golden. Get it wrong? You might end up with nothing - or worse, a bad review.

"Understanding your customer's journey helps you pinpoint the best moments to ask for reviews - when they're most likely to say yes and leave a good one."

Best times to ask for reviews

Timing matters when asking for Yelp reviews. Here's when customers are most likely to say yes:

Right after good service

Ask for a review when:

  • A customer compliments you
  • You see happy customers
  • Someone leaves a good tip

Train your staff to spot these moments and ask for reviews.

When you finish the job

For service businesses, the end of a job is prime review time. But be smart:

  • Some customers need time to think
  • Others might forget if you wait too long

Find your sweet spot. Usually, it's 1-7 days after finishing the job.

During follow-ups

Use follow-up emails or calls to ask for reviews. Here's how:

1. Thank the customer

2. Ask if they're happy

3. If yes, ask for a review

Here's a sample email:

Hi [Customer],

Thanks for choosing us. Hope you liked your [product/service].

Happy with your experience? Mind sharing it on Yelp? It helps us a lot.

[Yelp Review Link]

Thanks again! [Your Name]

On special occasions

Use milestones to ask for reviews:

  • Customer anniversaries
  • Business birthdays
  • Seasonal events

These moments make customers feel good, so they're more likely to leave a review.

Occasion Why it works How to ask
Customer anniversary Reminds them of your relationship "It's been a year since you first visited. We'd love your Yelp feedback!"
Business birthday Customers feel part of your success "We're turning 5! Celebrate with us by sharing on Yelp."
Seasonal event Fits the current mood "As summer ends, we'd love to hear from you. Mind leaving a Yelp review?"

Here's the kicker: 77% of shoppers will leave a review if you ask. Just ask at the right time, in the right way.

How to spot the right moment

Timing is everything when asking for Yelp reviews. Here's how to nail it:

Watch customer feedback

Use quick surveys after purchases or services. If customers respond positively, follow up with a review request. This helps you:

  • Find happy customers
  • Fix issues early
  • Time your ask right

Use NPS scores

Net Promoter Score (NPS) helps find your biggest fans. Here's the breakdown:

1. Ask customers: "How likely are you to recommend us?" (0-10 scale)

2. Group responses:

Group Score What to do
Promoters 9-10 Ask for a Yelp review
Passives 7-8 Address concerns first
Detractors 0-6 Fix issues before asking

Focus on Promoters. They're your best bet for positive reviews.

Look at customer data

Your data can reveal prime review moments:

  • Repeat buyers
  • Frequent brand engagers
  • Customers who give compliments

For example, a customer's third purchase in two months? That's a good time to ask.

80% of consumers will leave a company after more than one bad experience. (Zendesk)

So, catch them when they're happiest with your service. It's all about striking while the iron's hot.

Tips for timing review requests

Asking for Yelp reviews is tricky. Here's how to time it right:

Don't overdo it

Bombarding customers? Bad idea. Space it out:

  • One-time services: Wait 2-3 weeks
  • Recurring services: Ask every 3-6 months

Industry matters

Timing depends on your business:

Industry When to ask
Restaurants 1-2 hours post-meal
Hotels At check-out or within 24 hours
Home services Same day or within 48 hours
Retail At sale or email within a week

Use the right channel

Match your ask to their preferred method:

  • Email: Good for details
  • SMS: Quick, but use carefully
  • In-person: Most effective, but be smooth

Remember: It's all about balance. Time it right, and you'll get those reviews without annoying anyone.


Tools for better review requests

Getting Yelp reviews at the right time can be tricky. But there are tools to help. Let's look at two options:

CRM systems

CRM systems can be your secret weapon for timing review requests. Here's how:

  • Track customer interactions in real-time
  • Set up alerts for review requests after positive interactions
  • Group customers based on satisfaction levels
  • Use data to find the best times to ask for reviews

For example, with Salesforce CRM, you could set up a rule to send a review request email 2 days after a customer marks their issue as "resolved".


ReputationDash is built for managing online reviews. It can:

  • Automate review requests based on specific triggers
  • Send requests via email, SMS, or QR codes
  • Monitor all your Yelp reviews in one place
  • Track how many customers respond to your requests

A restaurant owner said: "ReputationDash boosted our Yelp reviews by 200% in 3 months. We now send automated requests 2 hours after customers leave, when the experience is still fresh."

These tools can help you time your Yelp review requests better, potentially leading to more positive reviews.

Check and improve your timing

Getting your Yelp review request timing right is key. Here's how to check if it's working and make it better:

Track responses

Keep an eye on your response rates. This shows if your timing is on point.

  • Use your Yelp for Business account to watch engagement metrics
  • Check the "Customer Leads" section for user actions like mobile check-ins and website clicks
  • Compare response rates for different request times

A local coffee shop found 2 PM requests got 15% more responses than morning ones.

Test different times

Don't stick to one timing. Try different approaches:

1. Send requests at three times: right after service, 2 hours later, and 24 hours later

2. Track responses for each timing over a month

3. Compare results and adjust your strategy

Industry matters. InMoment research says 2-3 PM and 6-7 PM are often good for review requests.

Pro tip: Use a feedback funnel. It helps unhappy customers give private feedback instead of public negative reviews.


Here's a quick recap on timing your Yelp review requests:

1. Ask right after a positive experience

Don't wait. Request reviews when:

  • You've just finished a great service
  • A customer compliments your work
  • During a follow-up call with a happy customer

2. Use data to guide your timing

Track when people respond most. Test different times and adjust based on what works.

3. Industry timing matters

2-3 PM and 6-7 PM often work well, but your business might be different. Test and see.

4. Make it personal

Use what you know about your customers. A coffee shop found 2 PM requests got 15% more responses than morning ones.

5. Some products need time

For e-commerce, waiting 7-30 days can work better. Let customers use the product first.

6. Use the right tools

CRM systems or software like ReputationStacker can make the process easier.

7. Follow Yelp's rules

Yelp doesn't want you asking for reviews directly. Focus on great service and subtly encourage feedback instead.

Remember: timing is key, but great service is what really drives reviews.


How to get more 5 star Yelp reviews?


You can't ask for Yelp reviews directly, but you can encourage feedback:

  • Link to your Yelp page on your website
  • Add your Yelp profile to your email signature
  • Promote your Yelp presence on business cards or brochures
  • Display a Yelp sticker in your store window

The secret to 5-star reviews? Consistently great service.

Can a business ask for Yelp reviews?

Nope. Yelp's policy is clear: no asking for reviews. This means:

  • No direct requests for reviews
  • No incentives for feedback
  • No staff review competitions
  • No surveys asking for Yelp reviews

Meredith Wood, Editor-in-Chief and VP of Marketing at Fundera, puts it this way:

"Although other review platforms may allow solicitation, it's against Yelp's policy for businesses to ask for reviews or offer incentives in exchange for reviews."

Breaking these rules can lead to:

  • Filtered reviews
  • Lower search rankings
  • Consumer Alerts on your page

Focus on great service instead. Subtly encourage feedback through allowed methods.

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