How to Ask for Yelp Reviews in Person vs. Online: What Works Best?

published on 15 October 2024

Want more Yelp reviews? Here's the scoop:

  • In-person asks get 30-40% response rate
  • Online requests get 10-20% response rate
  • Both methods have pros and cons
  • Yelp forbids directly asking for reviews

Quick comparison:

Method Pros Cons
In-person More personal, immediate Time-consuming, can feel awkward
Online Reaches more people, scalable Lower response rate, less personal

Key strategies:

  1. Focus on great customer service
  2. Make Yelp presence known (stickers, badges)
  3. Follow up after purchases
  4. Respond to all reviews quickly
  5. Share positive reviews on social media

Remember: Don't violate Yelp's rules or offer incentives for reviews. Let reviews happen naturally by providing excellent service.

Yelp's Rules for Reviews


Yelp has strict rules about getting reviews. Why? To keep reviews honest and useful.

Yelp's Do's and Don'ts

Here's what Yelp says:

Do Don't
Give great service Ask for reviews
Show Yelp branding Offer freebies for reviews
Respond professionally Make staff compete for reviews
Engage with Yelpers Send surveys about Yelp

Yelp's main point? Let reviews happen on their own. Don't push it.

Yelp's software is smart. It can spot fake or forced reviews. These often don't show up on your page.

Breaking the Rules: What Happens?

Breaking Yelp's rules can hurt you. Here's how:

1. Lower Search Ranking

Yelp might drop your page in search results. Fewer people find you.

2. Warning on Your Page

Yelp might add a warning. It tells users you're trying to cheat.

3. Removed Reviews

Fake or bought reviews? Gone. Your rating might drop.

4. Lost Trust

Customers might lose faith in you if they see you're cheating.

If you break rules, Yelp will tell you. They'll message your business account and email you.

The fix? Stop asking for reviews. Follow the rules. Show Yelp you've changed, and they might remove the penalty.

Asking for Reviews Face-to-Face

Want more Yelp reviews? Try asking in person. It's quick and gets honest feedback. Let's look at the good and bad of this approach.

Why Ask in Person?

Face-to-face requests often work better:

  • You catch customers right after a good experience
  • It's harder to say no in person
  • You can explain and answer questions on the spot

Trustmary found that asking ALL customers for reviews, not just the happy ones, got more positive feedback.

How to Ask in Person

Make your requests count:

1. Time it right

Ask right after giving great service.

2. Keep it short

Explain how quick and helpful reviews are.

3. Make it easy

Offer a tablet or QR code for instant reviews.

4. Train your team

Teach them when and how to ask nicely.

Try this simple script:

"Glad you had a good time. Got a sec to share on Yelp? It really helps others find us."

Downsides of Asking in Person

Face-to-face requests have some drawbacks:

  • Staff might feel awkward asking
  • It's easy to forget during busy times
  • Some customers might feel pressured

To fix this, try setting up a review station in your business. Customers can leave feedback without staff pressure.

Asking for Reviews Online

Getting Yelp reviews online can boost your business. Let's look at the pros and cons and some effective strategies.

Benefits of Online Review Requests

  • Reach more customers fast
  • Customers can review at their convenience
  • Easy to track results

Effective Online Review Strategies

1. Email campaigns

Use this simple template:

"Hi [Name], Thanks for choosing us. Got a minute to share your experience on Yelp? Your feedback helps us and others. [Yelp Link]"

2. Social media prompts

Share your Yelp page and ask for reviews.

3. Website integration

Add a "Review us on Yelp" button to your site.

4. SMS messaging

Try this short text:

"Thanks for visiting! We'd love your Yelp feedback: [Yelp Link]"

Overcoming Challenges

1. Low response rates: Send follow-up reminders.

2. Spam filters: Personalize emails and avoid spam-like language.

3. Yelp's rules: Don't ask directly for reviews. Just make customers aware of your Yelp presence.

4. Timing: Send requests when they're likely to be seen. Emails sent 2-3 PM or 6-7 PM often get better responses.

Remember: Online review requests are powerful, but use them wisely and follow platform guidelines.

In-Person vs. Online: Which Works Better?

Let's compare in-person and online methods for getting Yelp reviews. Both have their pros and cons.

Response Rates and Customer Satisfaction

Method Response Rate Customer Satisfaction
In-Person 30-40% Very High
Online 10-20% High

In-person requests get more immediate action. But online methods can reach more people.

Time, Effort, and Growth

Factor In-Person Online
Time Investment High Low
Effort Per Request High Low
Scalability Limited High
Personalization High Moderate

In-person is more personal but takes more time. Online is easier to scale.

So, what's best? It depends on your business:

  • Face-to-face businesses (like restaurants): In-person works well.
  • Large customer base or limited interactions: Online might be better.
  • Want the best results? Try both.

But here's the real key: focus on great customer service. As Zach Anderson from Yelp says:

"I believe our users are coming to Yelp to find local businesses because they can trust the overall content they find on our site."

Give customers a great experience. Then, however you ask, they'll be more likely to leave a good review.

Tips for Both In-Person and Online Asking

Want more Yelp reviews? Here's how to boost your chances, whether you're asking face-to-face or online:

Make Customers Happy

It's simple: happy customers leave good reviews. So:

  • Deliver top-notch products or services
  • Fix problems fast
  • Go the extra mile

Make Each Request Personal

Tailor your ask to each customer. It works wonders.

Do This Say This
Use their name "Hey Sarah, thanks for dining with us!"
Mention their experience "Hope you loved your massage today."
Recall a conversation "Enjoy planning that Italy trip we chatted about!"

Follow Up (But Don't Be Annoying)

A gentle nudge can help, but don't overdo it:

  • Wait a day or two
  • Follow up once, maybe twice
  • Keep it friendly and low-pressure

Try this:

"Hi [Name],

Enjoyed having you at [Business]. Got a sec to share on Yelp? It helps us improve and spreads the word.

Thanks! [Your Name]"

Answer All Reviews

Responding shows you care. It encourages more reviews, too:

  • Reply within a day or two
  • Say thanks
  • Address concerns in negative reviews
  • Stay professional

Remember: great service + smart asking = more reviews. It's that easy.


Using Tech to Manage Reviews

Tech can make review management a breeze. Here's how:



ReputationDash is your review management sidekick:

  • Keeps an eye on reviews across platforms
  • Pings you when new reviews pop up
  • Gives you one place to handle responses

Automatic Review Request Systems

These systems are review-gathering machines:

Feature What It Does
Auto requests Gets more reviews without the hassle
Multi-channel outreach Reaches folks via email and text
Custom templates Personalizes messages for better results

Take Lake Powell Paddleboards. They used Podium and BAM! Their TripAdvisor reviews shot up from under 100 to nearly 300, and Google reviews? From 11 to 400!

Tools to Track Progress

Analytics tools let you see how you're doing:

  • Watch your review numbers and ratings grow
  • Get the vibe of what customers are saying
  • Spot patterns in feedback

Yelp's built-in analytics show you who's checking out your page and interacting with reviews. It's like having X-ray vision for your Yelp presence.

"Yelp's analytics tools are like a backstage pass to your business's performance on the platform." - Digital Resource

Getting Yelp reviews isn't as simple as it seems. You need to play by the rules to avoid trouble. Here's the lowdown:

FTC Rules on Customer Reviews

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) keeps businesses in check when it comes to reviews. Their main rules:

  • No fake reviews or paying for them
  • Disclose free stuff given for reviews
  • Don't block honest negative reviews

Break these rules? You could face a $51,744 fine per violation. Yikes!

Yelp's Stance: No Asking, No Paying

Yelp's pretty clear on this:

Yelp's Rule What It Means
Don't ask for reviews Let customers decide on their own
No rewards for reviews No freebies or discounts for feedback
No review competitions Don't make it a contest for your staff

If Yelp catches you breaking these rules, they might:

  • Hide your reviews
  • Slap a warning on your page
  • Drop your ranking in search results

Keep It Real

Honest reviews are gold. Here's how to encourage them naturally:

  • Let reviews happen organically
  • Focus on top-notch service
  • Use Yelp stickers (but don't push for reviews)

"The Consumer Review Fairness Act protects people's ability to share their honest opinions about a business's products, services, or conduct in any forum, including social media." - Federal Trade Commission

Checking Results and Making Changes

Keep an eye on key numbers and tweak your Yelp review strategy as needed. Here's how:

Important Numbers to Watch

Track these metrics:

Metric Why It Matters
Review count Shows customer feedback volume
Average rating Reflects overall satisfaction
Page visits Measures Yelp listing views
Customer leads Tracks calls, clicks, and bookmarks

Low visibility? If you're found in 1% of searches, it's time to boost your Yelp page's SEO.

Testing Different Approaches

Experiment with your review requests:

  • Timing: Right after purchase or days later?
  • Method: In-person, email, or text?
  • Wording: What resonates with customers?

Test ONE change at a time to see what works.

Using Customer Feedback

Listen and improve:

  • Spot trends in reviews
  • Fix common issues
  • Ask how to turn 4-stars into 5-stars

Pro tip: Use online surveys to gather feedback without creating implied commitments.


Getting Yelp reviews is tricky. You need to balance in-person and online methods. Why? Because they both have their strengths.

Here's the deal:

  • Some customers like face-to-face chats. Others prefer online stuff.
  • In-person? You can be subtle. Online? You can spread the word without directly asking.
  • More reviews from different places? That's good for your Yelp visibility.

Let's talk numbers:

  • 95% of people check online reviews before buying
  • Yelp gets over 170 million unique visitors each month
  • 92% of Yelp users buy something after visiting the site

These stats? They show why Yelp reviews are a big deal. But don't just focus on getting lots of reviews. Quality matters too.

Want to succeed? Try these:

  • Train your staff to casually mention Yelp
  • Send follow-up emails about your Yelp page
  • Always respond to reviews quickly
  • Share good reviews on social media

The smart move? Mix subtle in-person mentions with strategic online reminders. This way, you're playing by Yelp's rules while still encouraging reviews.

One last thing: focus on real feedback. Don't buy fake reviews or try to cheat. Instead, give great service. That's what leads to positive reviews naturally.


How to get more 5 star Yelp reviews?

Want more 5-star Yelp reviews? Here's how:

  • Nail your customer service
  • Put Yelp links on your website and socials
  • Slap Yelp stickers around your business
  • Reply to ALL reviews ASAP
  • Follow up with sub-5-star reviewers for feedback

"Don't try to get 5-star reviews—go be five stars, and then the 5-star reviews happen." - Josh Campbell, owner of Rescue Air Heating and Cooling

How to get people to leave a Yelp review?

Boost Yelp reviews without breaking rules:

  • Add Yelp badges to your online presence
  • Use Yelp branding in-store
  • Show off existing reviews on social media
  • Set up check-in offers on Yelp
  • Include a Yelp link in thank-you emails
Do's Don'ts
Provide great service Ask directly for reviews
Make customers aware of your Yelp presence Offer incentives for reviews
Respond to all reviews Pay for fake reviews
Encourage Yelp check-ins Pressure customers

Heads up: Yelp doesn't allow asking for reviews directly. Focus on making your Yelp presence known and delivering top-notch service instead.

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