How to Ask Customers for Google Reviews: A Step-by-Step Guide

published on 19 September 2024

Here's how to get more Google reviews for your business:

  1. Set up your Google Business Profile
  2. Ask for reviews after positive interactions
  3. Make it easy with a direct review link
  4. Use email, text, and in-person requests
  5. Thank reviewers and respond to all feedback
  6. Don't offer incentives (against Google's rules)
  7. Address negative reviews professionally

Key tips:

  • Ask every customer, every time
  • Time requests for when customers are happiest
  • Keep requests short and simple
  • Follow up once if no response
  • Track review numbers and adjust strategy

Why Google reviews matter:

  • Build trust and credibility
  • Influence 93% of buying decisions
  • Boost local search rankings
Do Don't
Ask after positive experiences Pressure customers
Provide a direct review link Make leaving reviews complicated
Respond to all reviews Ignore negative feedback
Focus on great service Offer rewards for reviews

Remember: More reviews = more visibility and customers. Start asking today.

Why Google Reviews Are Important

Google reviews can make or break your business online. Here's why they matter:

They Shape Your Business Image

Google reviews are your digital first impression. They can either draw customers in or push them away.

"Google reviews matter. They give your business credibility, increase click-through rates, and help your rankings." - Ross Pike, Operations Director of Quadrant2Design

Good reviews build trust. Bad ones? They can scare off potential customers.

They Influence Customer Decisions

Let's face it: reviews drive buying decisions. Check out these stats:

  • 93% of people read online reviews before buying
  • 90% check Google reviews before visiting or buying from a business
  • 97% will only use a local business with more than 2 stars

Bottom line? Good reviews can tip the scales in your favor when customers are choosing between you and your competitors.

They Boost Your Search Rankings

Google reviews don't just impress customers - they impress Google too:

Ranking Factor Importance
Review Signals 15.44% of local pack ranking factors
Overall Ranking 3rd most important for local pack, 7th for organic rankings

Fresh, positive reviews can bump you up in local search results. This is especially true for searches including words like "best".

A SEMrush study found that businesses in the top spot of the Local Pack had an average star rating of 4.1. The message is clear: better reviews = better rankings.

Getting Ready to Ask for Reviews

Before you start asking for Google reviews, you need to do some prep work. Here's how:

Set Up Google My Business

First, claim and verify your Google Business Profile. It's free and essential for managing your business on Google Search and Maps.

Here's what to do:

  1. Go to Google Business Profile Manager
  2. Add your business info
  3. Verify your listing

Once done, you can respond to reviews and update your profile.

Make Reviewing Easy

Make it simple for customers to leave reviews. Create a short URL that goes straight to your review page.

How to do it:

  1. Sign in to Google Business Profile Manager
  2. Select your business
  3. Click "Get more reviews"
  4. Copy the short URL

Share this link in emails, on receipts, or after chats.

Find the Best Times to Ask

Timing matters when asking for reviews. Here's a quick guide:

When to Ask Why It Works
Right after purchase Experience is fresh
After positive feedback Customer is happy
During follow-ups Shows you value their opinion

The goal? Catch customers when they're most likely to leave a good review.

How to Ask for Google Reviews

Asking for Google reviews doesn't have to be awkward. Here's how to do it right:

When to Ask

Ask when customers are happiest:

  • Just after a purchase
  • When you've finished a project
  • After they've given you positive feedback

Etsy's got it figured out. They ask for reviews about a month after delivery. Smart move.

Ways to Ask

Mix it up:

Method Good Not So Good
Face-to-face Personal Can't reach everyone
Email Easy to scale Might get ignored
Text People actually read these Could annoy some folks
QR codes Super easy for customers Need to explain what it's for

What to Say

Keep it simple:

"Hey [Name], thanks for choosing us. Mind leaving a quick Google review? Here's the link: [Review URL]. It helps us out and helps others find us. Thanks!"

Make It Easy

Don't make customers work for it:

  • Give them a direct link
  • Use QR codes in your store
  • Put a "Review Us" button on your site

Follow Up (Once)

If they don't bite, try one more time:

"Hi [Name], enjoying your [product/service]? We'd love your feedback on Google if you have a sec: [Review URL]. It really helps us out. Thanks!"

Tips for Asking for Reviews

Asking for Google reviews can be tricky. But with the right approach, you can boost your online reputation without breaking the rules. Here's how:

Be Honest

When asking for reviews, keep it real. Don't try to trick customers. Instead:

"Hi [Name], thanks for choosing us. Your feedback helps us improve and helps others find us. Would you mind leaving a quick Google review? Here's the link: [Review URL]. Thanks!"

This approach is straightforward and honest. It tells customers why their feedback matters and how it helps.

Respect Customer Wishes

Not everyone wants to leave a review. That's okay. Here's how to handle it:

  • Ask once, maybe twice, but don't push it
  • Use their preferred contact method
  • Make it easy to opt-out
Do Don't
Ask at the right time Spam customers
Provide a direct link Make it complicated
Thank them regardless Pressure customers

Don't Offer Rewards

It's tempting to offer incentives for reviews. But it's against Google's rules and can backfire. Why?

  • Google might remove suspicious reviews
  • It can lead to biased reviews
  • You could get penalized

Instead, focus on great service. That naturally encourages reviews.

Fun fact: 76% of customers will leave a review if you just ask nicely. So keep it simple and honest, and you'll see results.

Handling Review Responses

Getting Google reviews is just step one. How you handle them? That's where you can make or break your online reputation.

Thank Reviewers

Always thank customers for positive reviews. It shows you care and encourages others to share. Here's how:

  • Respond fast (within a week)
  • Use their name
  • Mention specifics from their review


"Hey Sam! Thanks for the shout-out. We're thrilled you loved Carl's quick and clean service at Sink Uncloggers!"

Address Bad Reviews

Negative reviews? They're tough, but they're also chances to shine. Here's what to do:

1. Take a breath. Don't rush your response.

2. Address the issue head-on.

3. Apologize, even if it wasn't your fault.

4. Offer a fix.

5. Invite them to chat offline.

Try this:

"Hi [Name], thanks for your review. We're sorry about [specific issue]. At [Company], we want happy customers. I'll email you this week to make it right."

Fun fact: 45% of people are more likely to visit a business that responds to negative reviews.

Ask for Updated Reviews

Fixed an issue? It's okay to ask for an updated review. But don't push it. Try this:

1. Solve the problem 2. Check they're happy 3. Politely ask if they'd update their review

Do Don't
Wait till it's fixed Ask right after responding
Be polite and grateful Demand an update
Make it easy (give a link) Offer rewards for changing the review

Mistakes to Avoid

When asking for Google reviews, you can make some big blunders. Here's what to watch out for:

Don't Be Pushy

Pressuring customers for reviews? Bad idea. It makes them uncomfortable and less likely to say nice things. Instead:

  • Ask nicely after a good experience
  • Tell them honest feedback is welcome
  • Let them decide if they want to review

Play by Google's Rules

Google has strict review guidelines. Break them, and you're in trouble. Here's the deal:

Do Don't
Ask for honest reviews Bribe for reviews
Let customers use their words Write fake reviews
Welcome all feedback Hide negative reviews

In 2023, the FTC slapped Service Seeking with a $600,000 fine for fake reviews. Ouch.

Always Respond to Reviews

Ignoring reviews, especially bad ones? Big mistake. Here's why responding matters:

  • Shows you care about feedback
  • Lets you fix problems
  • Builds trust with potential customers

Harvard Business Review found that businesses responding to all reviews saw 12% more reviews overall.

Check and Improve Your Review Strategy

Track your progress and adjust your Google review requests as needed:

Count Your Reviews

Keep tabs on your review numbers:

  • Use GMB Everywhere to monitor review count and average rating
  • Track sudden drops with a spreadsheet during Google's "review sweeps"
  • Compare your numbers to competitors with PlePer

Look at Review Content

What are customers saying?

  • Spot common praise or complaints
  • Note mentions of specific products, services, or staff
  • Gauge overall tone and sentiment

Change Your Approach

Tweak your strategy based on what you've learned:

Issue Solution
Low review count Ask more customers directly
Mostly negative reviews Address mentioned issues
Few detailed reviews Encourage specific experiences
Competitor outperforming Study and adapt their tactics

About 20% of customers leave reviews when asked. Not hitting this? Step up your game.

"We used automated review requests and saw our Google reviews jump from 10 to 50 in two months. Our average rating went up too." - Business Owner

Keep at it. Change things up if you're not seeing results. Your Google reviews are key to your online reputation.


Google reviews can make or break your business. They're trust-builders, decision-influencers, and SEO boosters all rolled into one. Here's the deal:

  • 46% of people trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations
  • 93% say reviews impact their buying choices
  • More reviews can help you outrank bigger competitors in local search

So, how do you get more reviews? It's simple:

  1. Ask right after a good experience
  2. Make it easy with direct links
  3. Use the customer's name and mention what they bought
  4. Ask through email, text, and in person

The key? Ask EVERYONE. Every. Single. Time.

"We used automated review requests and saw our Google reviews jump from 10 to 50 in two months. Our average rating went up too." - Business Owner

Check out these real-world results:

Metric Result
Organic website traffic increase 470%
5-star Google reviews increase (1st campaign) 186%
5-star Google reviews increase (2nd campaign) 94.3%
Total number of reviews 239

That's what Susquehanna Insurance achieved with a solid review strategy.

By getting more reviews, you're not just collecting feedback. You're building a stronger online presence, attracting more customers, and setting up your business for long-term success.

Don't wait. Start asking for reviews today. Your future customers are waiting to hear what others think about you.

Common Questions

Here are some key questions about asking for Google reviews:

How often should I ask for reviews?

Ask after each transaction, but don't spam. Aim for a steady stream of fresh feedback. Why? 85% of people don't trust reviews older than 3 months.

What's the best way to ask?

1. In-person: Right after a positive interaction 2. Email: Follow up with a direct link to your Google review page 3. SMS: These have a 98% open rate

Can I offer incentives?

No. Google doesn't allow it. Focus on great service and making reviews easy instead.

How can I make leaving reviews easier?

  • Give a direct link to your Google Business Profile
  • Use a simple, mobile-friendly form
  • Provide clear instructions

What about negative reviews?

Respond quickly and professionally. Address concerns and offer to resolve issues offline. It shows you care about feedback and want to improve.

How many reviews should I aim for?

More is better. Check out these stats:

Number of Reviews Impact on Conversion Rate
10 new reviews 2.8% increase
50+ reviews 4.6% conversion rate

Can I ask customers to update bad reviews?

Yes, but be careful. If you've fixed an issue, you can politely ask them to consider updating. Don't pressure or bribe.

How fast should I respond to reviews?

Aim for 24-48 hours. Quick responses show you value feedback and stay engaged with customers.


What's the best time to ask for a review?

Mid-week is your sweet spot for review requests. Email requests sent then can bump up response rates by 10%. And here's a pro tip: customers are more likely to respond between 2-3 PM and 6-7 PM.

Got a template for asking Google reviews?

Here's a simple yet effective email template:

"Hey there! We noticed you recently [describe what they did]. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Your feedback helps us get better. If you're up for it, mind leaving a Google review?"

How do I politely ask for Google reviews?

Keep it simple and direct:

"We'd love to hear about your experience with [PRODUCT OR SERVICE]. Got a minute to leave us a Google review? Just click the link below. Thanks in advance!"

Do's Don'ts
Make it personal Use cookie-cutter messages
Give a direct link Make it a maze
Keep it short and sweet Pressure or beg
Say thanks upfront Offer rewards for reviews

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