How Online Reputation Management Software Works: A Beginner’s Guide

published on 03 October 2024

Online Reputation Management (ORM) software helps businesses track and manage their online presence. Here's what you need to know:

  • Scans the internet for brand mentions across review sites, social media, news, and forums
  • Analyzes sentiment and trends in customer feedback
  • Allows businesses to respond to reviews and comments from one dashboard
  • Generates reports on brand perception and competitor comparisons

Key benefits:

  • Spot and fix negative feedback quickly
  • Showcase positive reviews
  • Understand customer sentiment
  • Make data-driven decisions to improve brand image
Feature Benefit
Real-time monitoring Catch issues early
Sentiment analysis Gauge public opinion
Review management Respond faster to customers
Reporting tools Track reputation over time

For small businesses, ORM software levels the playing field, providing enterprise-level tools at an affordable price (often under $100/month).

Basics of ORM Software

ORM software has three main parts: data gathering, analysis, and interaction tools.

Data Gathering

ORM tools scan the web for brand mentions. They search:

  • Social media
  • Review sites
  • News articles
  • Forums

This gives you a complete view of your online presence.


The software then:

  • Sorts mentions (positive, negative, neutral)
  • Spots trends
  • Flags urgent issues

Interaction Tools

These let you:

  • Reply to reviews and comments
  • Share positive feedback
  • Address concerns quickly

Why It's Better

ORM software beats old methods:

Old Way ORM Software
Manual searches Real-time monitoring
Slow responses Instant alerts
Limited data Full view across platforms
Time-consuming reports Automated analytics

It saves time and gives deeper insights. Take Birdeye, for example. It lets you handle customer issues across channels from one dashboard. Result? Faster responses and happier customers.

"The success of a company's brand depends largely on how it manages its reputation." - Christopher Robinson, Senior Productivity Research Analyst

With ORM software, you're not just reacting - you're staying ahead. It helps you:

  1. Spot issues early
  2. Understand customer thoughts
  3. Make smart decisions to boost your brand

For small businesses, it's a game-changer. You get big-company tools without the big price. Most ORM software starts under $100 a month, making it a smart buy for any size business.

Main Functions of ORM Software

ORM software helps businesses manage their online reputation in four key ways:

Tracking Online Mentions

These tools scan the web for brand mentions across social media, review sites, news articles, and forums. For example, Determ monitors over 100 million online sources and sends alerts for new mentions.

Analyzing Sentiment

ORM software doesn't just find mentions - it decides if they're positive, negative, or neutral. Here's how:

1. Each word gets a score from -4 to +4

2. The tool adds up these scores

3. It determines the overall sentiment

This quick analysis helps businesses spot trends and potential issues.

Handling Reviews

ORM software simplifies customer feedback management:

  • Gathers reviews from different sites in one place
  • Allows direct responses from the dashboard
  • Helps identify common complaints

Creating Reports

These tools turn data into insights:

  • Show brand perception changes over time
  • Compare your reputation to competitors
  • Highlight platforms with the most mentions

Here's a real-world example:

A car dealership used ORM software for customer satisfaction surveys. They asked about likelihood to recommend and reasons for the rating.

The software:

1. Identified happy customers for online review requests

2. Flagged unhappy customers for follow-up

3. Spotted common issues to improve

This approach boosted the dealership's online ratings and sped up problem-solving.

How to Use ORM Software: Step-by-Step

Setting Up the Software

  1. Pick your ORM tool
  2. Link your accounts
  3. Add your keywords
  4. Set up your alerts

It's that simple. Just choose software that works for you, connect your platforms, add your brand terms, and decide on notification frequency.

Understanding Data and Stats

ORM software throws a LOT of info at you. Here's what to focus on:

  • How often people talk about you
  • Whether they're saying nice things or not
  • Where these conversations are happening

Don't sweat the small stuff. Look at the big picture over time.

Answering Feedback

Responding to what people say about you online? It's crucial. Here's a quick guide:

Review Your Move
Good Say thanks, invite them back
Bad Say sorry, offer to fix it, take it private
Meh Say thanks, ask how to do better

Pro tip: Don't wait. Respond within a day or two.

Making Reports

Regular reports keep you on track. Include these:

  • Overall mood about your brand
  • Where people talk about you most
  • Your most engaging stuff
  • What people keep bringing up

Use these to tweak your game plan and show why ORM matters.

Important Features in ORM Software

When choosing ORM software for your SMB, focus on these key features:

Live Monitoring

You need real-time tracking. It helps you spot and handle issues fast. Brand24, for example, sends instant alerts when someone mentions your brand online.

Integration Capabilities

Your ORM tool should work with your existing tech. Look for software that connects with your CRM, email, and social media platforms. ReviewTrackers links up with Salesforce, MailChimp, and HubSpot.

Custom Alerts

Not all mentions matter equally. You want alerts you can customize. Media Monitoring ($39/month) lets you set up alerts for specific keywords or sentiment changes.

User-Friendly Design

If it's hard to use, no one will. Go for software with a clear, simple interface. Brand Monitoring ($49/month) has an intuitive dashboard that makes reputation management easy.

Here's a quick comparison of some ORM tools:

Tool Key Feature Starting Price
Media Monitoring Custom alerts $39/month
Brand Monitoring User-friendly interface $49/month
Brand24 Real-time monitoring $99/month
ReviewTrackers Multi-platform integration $119/month per location

Tips for Getting the Most from ORM Software

Here's how to make your ORM tool work harder for you:

Regular Checking

Don't set it and forget it. Stick to a schedule:

  • Daily: Scan for new mentions
  • Weekly: Look at trends
  • Monthly: Review brand health

Pro tip: Use the mobile app for quick checks. Brand24's app is great for this.

Quick Responses

Speed is key. Here's how to stay sharp:

  • Create a response playbook
  • Use templates (but personalize)
  • Set up alerts for important mentions

Spectrum Retirement crushed it in 2020. They used ORM to spot customer concerns during COVID. Result? 160 positive reviews in 6 months. They turned problems into wins by acting fast.

Linking with Marketing Plans

Don't let ORM live alone. Connect it to your marketing:

  • Share good reviews on social
  • Use feedback for content ideas
  • Use ORM insights for SEO
ORM Data Marketing Action
Common questions Write FAQ posts
Good reviews Use in social ads
Hot topics Make timely content

Remember: 88% of people research online before buying. Your ORM can sway those decisions.

Common Problems and Fixes

ORM software can be tricky. Here's how to tackle some common issues:

Dealing with Bad Reviews

Negative feedback happens. Here's what to do:

  • Respond fast. People trust online reviews like personal recommendations.
  • Stay cool. Wait 24 hours before replying to avoid emotional responses.
  • Keep it short. Don't sound defensive.
  • Take it offline. Ask the reviewer to contact you directly.

Try this response:

"Thanks for your feedback. We're sorry about your experience. Please contact us at [phone/email] to address your concerns."

Managing Many Mentions

When mentions pile up:

  • Use filters in your ORM tool to focus on what matters most.
  • Group similar issues and create template responses.
  • Assign different team members to handle specific types of mentions.

Mixing Automation and Personal Touch

Balance is key:

Automated Personal
Initial response Follow-up messages
Categorizing mentions Complex issues
Scheduling posts Crisis management

Use automation for routine tasks, but always review important communications.

ORM isn't just about managing reviews. It's about improving your business. As Owen Jones from ZoomShift puts it:

"Negative reviews aren't the end. Handled well, they're a chance to connect with customers and improve your business."

Checking if ORM Software is Working

Want to know if your ORM software is pulling its weight? Let's dive into the metrics you should track and how to boost your strategy.

Key Metrics to Watch

Here are the numbers that matter:

1. Review Volume and Quality

Keep an eye on how many reviews you're getting and what they're saying. For healthcare providers, this is crucial. Why? 69% of patients won't even consider you if you're below a 4.0-star rating.

2. Sentiment Analysis

Tools like Brandwatch or Meltwater can tell you if people are talking about your brand in a good, bad, or meh way.

3. Social Media Engagement

Metric What It Tells You
Likes Do people dig your content?
Shares Is your content spreading?
Comments Are people talking back?

4. Website Traffic and Conversions

Google Analytics is your friend here. Are more people visiting your site? Are they becoming customers?

5. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

This shows if customers are singing your praises or not. It's simple math: % of Promoters (9-10 score) minus % of Detractors (0-6 score).

Stepping Up Your Game

Want to make your ORM strategy even better? Try these:

  1. Be Quick: Respond to ALL reviews within 48 hours. Good or bad.

  2. Stay on Top: Check your metrics weekly. Spot trends before they become problems.

  3. Get Specific: Break down your data. Look at different customer groups or stages. Find where you can improve.

  4. Count the Cost: Negative search results = lost business. One bad article on page one? That's 22% of potential customers gone.

  5. Test and Learn: Try different approaches. See what works best. Rinse and repeat.


ORM software isn't just a fancy tool. It's a must-have for businesses today. Here's why:

  1. First Impressions Count

95% of customers check online reviews before buying. Your online reputation? It's often the first thing they see.

  1. Money Matters

Good reviews can boost spending by 31%. But one bad review? It can scare off 40% of potential customers. The math is simple: good ORM = more cash.

  1. Trust is Key

74% of consumers trust companies more when they see good reviews. ORM software helps you build that trust.

  1. Google Cares

Search engines look at your online reputation. Better reputation? Better visibility. More customers.

  1. Saves Time

Half of local marketers struggle to find time for reputation management. ORM software does a lot of the work for you.

Here's what ORM can do:

Benefit Impact
Boost Trust 74% trust businesses more with good reviews
Increase Sales 31% more customer spending with good reviews
Help SEO 15% of Google's local pack ranking comes from reviews
Save Time Automates monitoring and responses

Building a strong online reputation takes time and effort. But with ORM software, you're not just managing your reputation. You're building a stronger brand.

Small business owners, listen up: ORM isn't just for big companies. It's key for any smart business. Start using ORM software now. Watch your online reputation - and your business - grow.


How do you integrate customer feedback?

Integrating customer feedback is crucial for improving your online reputation. Here's how:

  1. Get engineers involved in forums
  2. Split-test changes
  3. Conduct in-person usability tests
  4. Use Net Promoter Score
  5. Follow the A.C.A.F. Loop: Ask, Categorize, Act, Follow up

Bill Gates nailed it:

"Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning."

Which platform is best for reputation management?

BrightLocal stands out. Here's why:

Feature Benefit
Easy-to-use interface Simple navigation
All-in-one tools Covers everything
Smart insights Helps decision-making

Sameer Somal, Blue Ocean Global Technology CEO, says:

"BrightLocal simplifies the process of monitoring and managing online reputation."

It's great for small businesses. But remember, your choice depends on your needs and budget. Some services can cost up to $15,000 a month, so choose wisely.

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