Case Studies: How Businesses Improved Sales with More Google Reviews

published on 30 September 2024

Google reviews can significantly impact a business's success. Here's how companies boosted sales by focusing on their Google reviews:

  1. Local Restaurant: Increased review rate by 200%, leading to more foot traffic and online orders
  2. Online Store: Saw 416% more organic search clicks and 410% more products on first result page
  3. Service Business: Improved Google rating from 0 to 4 stars, resulting in 141% more net search leads
  4. Retail Chain: Achieved 84% 4-5 star reviews and 67% response rate, beating industry averages

Key strategies that worked:

  • Using review management software
  • Training staff to handle reviews
  • Making it easy for customers to leave reviews
  • Personalizing review requests
  • Leveraging SMS for review solicitation

Quick tips for better Google reviews:

  • Ask for reviews right after positive interactions
  • Use direct links or QR codes to your Google review page
  • Respond to all reviews promptly and professionally
  • Make review management a regular part of your business routine
Business Type Review Improvement Sales Impact
Local Restaurant +200% Google reviews More foot traffic, online orders
Online Store +410% products on first page +416% organic search clicks
Service Business 0 to 4-star rating +141% net search leads
Retail Chain 84% 4-5 star reviews Better visibility, more trust

Bottom line: Google reviews can significantly boost sales and visibility. Make them a key part of your business strategy.

How We Chose and Studied These Cases

We picked businesses that grew their Google reviews and sales. We focused on companies that actively sought more reviews over 6-12 months.

Here's our process:

1. Data collection

We used Google My Business data, sales reports, customer surveys, and business owner interviews.

2. Case selection

We looked for businesses that:

  • Boosted Google reviews by 50%+
  • Increased sales by 5%+
  • Used varied review-getting tactics

3. Analysis

For each case, we tracked:

Metric Before After % Change
Number of reviews X Y Z%
Average star rating X Y Z%
Monthly sales $X $Y Z%

4. Verification

We confirmed all data with the businesses for accuracy.

Case Study 1: Local Restaurant

From Facebook-Only to Google Reviews Champion

The Spot 2 Be, a family restaurant in Olean, NY, opened in 2018 with just a Facebook page. They served about 20 meals each for breakfast and lunch daily.

Their review situation was bleak:

Platform Reviews Recommendations Time Period
Google 9 - 8 months
Facebook 3 4 8 months

That's only 2 reviews or recommendations per month. Not great for visibility.

Their Game Plan

The owners decided to step up their game:

  1. Added menu to Google Business Profile
  2. Used Google Posts
  3. Put up "Review Us" signs
  4. Started using GatherUp's TextBack for easy feedback

The Results? Impressive.

After 5 months:

Metric Before After Change
Monthly review rate 2 6 +200%
Google reviews 9 27 +200%
Facebook reviews/recs 7 11 +57%
1st-party reviews 0 9 +900%
Google rating - 4.8 Highest in town

What did this mean for the business?

  • More visibility on Google Maps
  • More foot traffic and repeat customers
  • Growth in online orders
  • Customers driving 2-3 hours from Ontario

"The reviews we've gained by using GatherUp are most definitely a part of our success." - Tam Basilio, Owner of The Spot 2 Be Restaurant

The takeaway? Even small restaurants can use Google reviews to boost visibility and sales. Make it easy for customers to leave feedback, manage your online presence, and watch your reviews become a powerful marketing tool.

Case Study 2: Online Store

Starting Online Reputation

Lampehuset, an e-commerce lighting store, had a problem. Their product pages lacked reviews. This meant low visibility and little customer trust.

Metric Before Improvement
Products with Google stars 34.6%
Organic search clicks Low
Products on first result page Limited

Review Improvement Plan

They teamed up with Lipscore to get reviews and Fullstakk to boost visibility. Here's what they did:

  1. Added structured data for reviews
  2. Used metamanager for quick setup
  3. Showed reviews on their site
  4. Asked customers for reviews after purchases


The results? Huge.

Metric Improvement
Organic search clicks +416%
Products on first result page +410%
Organic impressions +540%
Average CTR increase per week 0.5% (135% relative increase)
Products eligible for Google stars on Shopping Ads +21%

Anna Svärd from Lampehuset said:

"Implementation of ratings on our shopping ads and organic search results gave a significant boost to CTR and traffic volume."

The takeaway? Reviews matter. A LOT. Lampehuset's focus on Google reviews skyrocketed their visibility and sales. It's a game-changer for online stores.

Case Study 3: Service Business

About the Service Business

SelmanCo, a TRICARE Supplement insurance provider, had a big problem. Their Google rating? Zero stars. Ouch. This hurt their business bad, since 32.1% of their leads came from search in 2017.

Steps to Improve Reviews

Here's what SelmanCo did to fix things:

1. Got personal

They emailed customers asking for reviews of specific reps, not just the company.

2. Expanded the team

More people got involved - from one supervisor to seven customer service reps.

3. Kept at it

They started sending review requests in late January 2018 and didn't stop.

4. Talked back

Someone always responded to reviews, good or bad.

Impact on Business

The results? Pretty amazing:

Metric Before After Change
Google stars 0 4 +4
Total reviews 0 121 +121
Total conversion rate 5.266% 8.383% +59%
Organic search conversion 0.59% 1.68% +185%
Net search leads 362 873 +141%

These numbers meant real business growth. More stars and reviews = more visibility and trust. Higher conversion rates = more customers choosing SelmanCo.

"Asking for reviews of specific reps made a huge difference. It felt more personal, and customers responded." - SelmanCo rep

The takeaway? A focused effort to boost Google reviews can transform a service business's online reputation and sales. SelmanCo's personal touch and consistent engagement turned things around fast.


Case Study 4: Retail Chain

Rural King's Review Problem

Rural King

Rural King, with 128 stores in 13 states, had a headache: too many reviews, too little control.

The Fix

Here's what they did:

1. Got smart software

ReviewTrackers helped them wrangle all those reviews in one spot.

2. Set up alerts

86 review alerts and 23 keyword alerts. Boom. Important stuff caught fast.

3. Trained the team

Employees learned to respond to reviews quickly and consistently.

4. Linked up Google

Connected Google My Business to ReviewTrackers. Faster responses, happier customers.

The Results? Pretty Sweet

Check this out:

What Before After The Difference
Overall rating Unknown 4.32 stars Beat the 3.75 retail average
Happy customers Unknown 84% 4-5 star reviews Lots of love
Response time Unknown 1.49 days 59% faster in 6 months
Response rate Unknown 67% Crushed the 47% retail average

What did all this mean for business?

  • More trust = more foot traffic
  • Better visibility in local searches
  • Insights to improve stores

Kirk Waidelich, Rural King's VP of Marketing, put it this way:

"ReviewTrackers showed us why customers love us. Now we're using that info to make our stores even better."

Main Lessons Learned

What Worked Well

Our case studies reveal how businesses boosted sales through Google reviews:

1. Smart software use

Rural King's success with ReviewTrackers shows the power of review management tools. These platforms help businesses collect reviews, set up alerts, and track performance.

2. Staff training

Teaching employees how to handle reviews paid off. Rural King saw a 67% response rate (beating the 47% retail average) and a 1.49-day average response time (59% faster in 6 months).

3. Making reviews easy

Businesses that simplified the review process saw better results. They used direct links to Google review pages, created QR codes for in-store requests, and added review links to emails and receipts.

4. Personalized outreach

Tailoring review requests boosted engagement. Businesses used customer names in messages and mentioned specific products or services.

5. Leveraging SMS

Text messages were highly effective for review requests. 97% of SMS messages were opened within 4 minutes, and 90.09% of businesses found texting compelling for gathering reviews.

Problems and Solutions

Problem Solution Result
Low review volume Ask every customer for feedback ~20% of asked customers leave reviews
Slow response times Set up review alerts Rural King cut response time by 59%
Inconsistent responses Train staff on review management 67% response rate (20% above average)
Negative reviews Address issues quickly and personally Improved customer trust and retention
Lack of visibility Connect Google My Business to review tools Better local search rankings

Kirk Waidelich, Rural King's VP of Marketing, said:

"ReviewTrackers showed us why customers love us. Now we're using that info to make our stores even better."

This approach - using review insights to improve business - was key across all case studies.

Tips for Getting Better Google Reviews

How to Ask for Reviews

Asking for reviews doesn't have to be awkward. Here's how to do it right:

1. Strike while the iron's hot

Ask for a review right after a positive interaction. Send a follow-up email within 24 hours of a customer's visit or product delivery.

2. Mix up your approach

Use email, SMS, and in-person requests. Fun fact: SMS has a 98% open rate. That's huge for review requests.

3. Make it a no-brainer

Give customers direct links to your Google review page. For in-store customers, create QR codes they can scan.

4. Get personal

Use the customer's name and mention what they bought or used. It shows you care and can boost response rates.

Answering Customer Feedback

Responding to reviews is a must. Here's how to do it right:

  • Be quick: Aim to respond within 1-2 days.
  • Say thanks: Always show gratitude, even for negative feedback.
  • Handle complaints: For bad reviews, apologize and offer to fix things offline.
Do Don't
Keep it professional Get defensive
Offer solutions Ignore negative reviews
Be brief Share personal info
Invite further chat Argue with reviewers

Making Review Management a Habit

Want to keep improving your Google reviews? Try these:

1. Stay in the loop

Use tools that ping you when new reviews come in.

2. Get your team on board

Make sure everyone knows how important reviews are and how to ask for them.

3. Keep score

Track how many reviews you're getting, your ratings, and how fast you respond. Set goals to improve.

4. Make it part of your routine

Add review requests to your post-purchase process. It could be an automated email or a reminder for staff during checkout.

5. Learn and grow

Use what you learn from reviews to make your products, services, and customer experience even better.


Google reviews can make or break a business. Our case studies prove it: a solid review profile leads to real growth.

Here's the scoop:

1. Reviews boost sales

Harvard Business School found that a one-star bump on Yelp meant 5-9% more revenue for indie restaurants. That's the power of online reviews in action.

2. More reviews build trust

BrightLocal says people read about 10 reviews before trusting a business. So, get those customer reviews rolling in.

3. Stars matter

Higher star ratings = more customers and sales. No surprise there. 97% of folks only use local businesses with over two stars.

4. Manage those reviews

Businesses that stayed on top of their Google reviews saw better results. Respond to feedback and use it to up your game.

5. Reviews are the future

93% of consumers say online reviews affect their buying choices. Reviews are here to stay.

What's next?

  • More businesses will use review management tools
  • High-value products and services will focus on getting reviews
  • Reviews will play a bigger role in marketing

The takeaway? Don't ignore Google reviews. Make them a key part of your strategy to grow your business and win customer trust.


What businesses rely on reviews?

Almost every business can benefit from good reviews. But for service-based companies, they're a big deal.

Why? Because 48% of local consumers say a service business's online reputation affects their choices. That's huge.

Service businesses include:

  • Salons and spas
  • Gyms
  • Shipping services
  • Storage facilities
  • Home repair

These businesses don't have physical products to show off. So, customer experiences and word-of-mouth are everything. Google reviews? They're like digital word-of-mouth.

Check out these numbers:

  • 93% of people read online reviews before buying
  • 79% trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations
  • 60% look at Google reviews before visiting a business

Ross Pike from Quadrant2Design puts it this way:

"Nearly half of local consumers (48%) say a service business's online reputation plays a role in purchasing decisions."

What does this mean? Service businesses NEED to manage their Google reviews. Get happy customers to leave feedback. Respond to ALL reviews. It's how you build a strong online reputation and bring in more clients.

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