Best Times to Ask for Customer Reviews by Industry

published on 17 October 2024

Want more positive reviews? Timing is everything. Here's when to ask in different industries:

Industry When to Ask Why
Automotive 1 day after purchase Fresh excitement
Healthcare Within 1 hour Experience is recent
Hotels/Restaurants At checkout or within 24 hours Impressions are vivid
Retail/E-commerce 7-30 days after purchase Time to use product
Home Services 1-3 days after job Can assess quality
Finance/Insurance After opening account Initial satisfaction
Personal Care Right after appointment Feedback is immediate
Real Estate 30 days after move-in Time to settle in

Key tips for getting more reviews:

  • Track review frequency and sentiment
  • Test different request timings
  • Use direct links to make reviewing easy
  • Ask through email, SMS, and in person
  • Personalize requests
  • Respond to all reviews quickly
  • Follow review site guidelines

Remember: Happy customers often don't leave reviews unless asked. But 77% say they will if prompted. So don't be shy - just ask!

General Tips for Asking for Reviews

Ask Now or Later?

Timing is key when asking for reviews. Here's the scoop:

  • Restaurants and salons: Ask within 24 hours
  • Auto repair or event planning: Wait 1-3 days
  • Big projects like construction: Give it 1-2 weeks

"Follow up on a high note", says Michele Potts from Zoe Marketing & Communications. "If a customer's happy, ask for a review right then."

What Affects Timing

Consider these factors:

Factor What to Think About
Product type One-time buy or subscription?
Customer satisfaction Happy customers = better reviews
Usage time Let them try it out first
Industry norms What's normal in your field?

A spa might ask right away, but a camping gear seller should wait a week or two.

Make It Easy

Want more reviews? Make it simple:

  1. Create a direct Google review link
  2. Put that link everywhere (emails, receipts, website, social media)
  3. Use QR codes on physical stuff
  4. Give clear instructions

Austin Andrukaitis, CEO of, says: "77% of people will leave a review if you just ask."

Industry-Specific Guidelines

Different industries have unique moments to ask for reviews. Here's when to request them for best results:

Car Industry

Ask for reviews:

  • Sales: 1-2 days after purchase
  • Service: 2-4 hours after
  • Parts: Right after installation

"We give customers a small card with a QR code to our Google My Business page after every job", says Kaitlin Martin from Choice Windows.

Healthcare and Dental

Timing depends on the procedure:

Procedure When to Ask
Check-ups Same day
Minor procedures 1-2 days after
Major surgeries 1-2 weeks post-recovery

Hotels and Restaurants

Hotels: Ask at check-out or within 24 hours. Restaurants: Ask right after the meal, with the bill.

Stores and Online Shopping

Type Timing
In-store At checkout
Online 3-5 days after delivery

Home Services and Building

  • Short jobs (1-2 days): Right after completion
  • Long projects: At key points and after finishing

Ask for photos to show off your work.

Finance and Insurance

Ask after:

  • Opening accounts
  • Processing claims
  • Annual reviews

Use loyalty programs to get feedback.

Personal Care (Salons, Spas, etc.)

Ask right after the appointment. Get photo reviews for visual services.

Real Estate and Property Management


  • After property tours
  • 1-2 weeks post-move-in
  • During lease renewals

"We send customer feedback emails monthly, asking clients to complete a 30-second survey about our service", explains Fiona Kay from Nigel Wright Group.


Setting Up Your Review Request Plan

Want more customer reviews? You need a plan. Here's how to create one that works:

Track Your Results

Set up a system to measure your review requests. This shows you what's working and what's not.

  • List relevant review sites
  • Log review frequency, volume, and sentiment
  • Use a word cloud to spot common themes

"We send monthly feedback emails with a 30-second survey", says Fiona Kay from Nigel Wright Group.

Try Different Times

Test different timing for review requests. Here are some industry examples:

Industry When to Ask
Automotive 1 day after purchase
Financial Services Right after account opening
Salons After appointment
Property Management 30 days after move-in

Check and Update

Keep an eye on your results and tweak your approach:

  • Monitor online reviews for issues
  • Respond to reviews quickly
  • Adjust your strategy based on performance

Pro tip: Businesses that respond to reviews do better in local search.


Let's recap the best times to ask for customer reviews across industries:

Industry When to Ask Why
Automotive 1 day post-purchase New car enjoyment
Healthcare Within 1 hour Fresh experience
Hotels/Restaurants At checkout or within 24 hours Immediate impressions
Retail/E-commerce 7-30 days after purchase Product use time
Home Services 1-3 days post-job Quality assessment
Finance/Insurance After account opening Initial satisfaction
Personal Care Post-appointment Immediate feedback
Real Estate 30 days post-move Evaluation time

To boost your online reputation:

1. Track reviews: Monitor frequency, volume, and sentiment.

2. Test timing: Try different request intervals.

3. Simplify: Use direct links to review platforms.

4. Use multiple channels: Combine email, SMS, and in-person requests.

5. Personalize: Use names and specific interactions.

6. Respond quickly: Address all reviews promptly.

7. Follow guidelines: Stay compliant with review sites.

"Our targeted request strategy increased review volume by 30% and improved our average rating from 4.2 to 4.7 stars", says Sarah Johnson, CEO of TechReviews Inc.


What's the best time to ask for a review?

Timing is key when asking for reviews. Here's the scoop:

For most businesses, aim for 7-30 days after purchase. Why? It gives customers time to:

  1. Get the product
  2. Use it
  3. Form an opinion

But it's not one-size-fits-all. Check out these industry-specific tips:

Industry When to Ask Why
E-commerce 7-30 days after purchase Time to use and evaluate
Hotels Within 24 hours of checkout Experience is fresh
Services 1-3 days after completion Quality is top of mind
Cars 1-2 weeks after purchase Enough time to test drive

Here's an interesting tidbit:

"Delayed reminders, sent 13 days after purchase, boosted online review rates by 15%", - Miyeon Jung, Assistant Professor at UNLV

Want to nail your review strategy?

  • Test different timings
  • Consider your product or service
  • Use automated systems
  • Follow up if needed

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