5 Ways to Use Customer Reviews in Email Marketing

published on 17 October 2024

Want to supercharge your email marketing? Use customer reviews. Here's why and how:

Why customer reviews work:

  • Build trust (social proof)
  • Drive sales (270% more likely with 5+ reviews)
  • Boost engagement (89% buy within a week of reading)

5 ways to use reviews in emails:

  1. Add product reviews
  2. Include customer photos/videos
  3. Share customer stories
  4. Use in cart reminder emails
  5. Create review-based newsletters

Quick tips:

  • Mix review types (star ratings, text, video)
  • Spread throughout email
  • Make it visual
  • Always get permission
  • Keep it mobile-friendly
Review Type Best For Tips
Star ratings Quick impact Use for multiple products
Short text Easy reading Include name, location
Detailed testimonials In-depth info Use for big-ticket items
Video reviews Personal touch Keep under 30 seconds

Try adding just one review to an email - you might see a 65% sales boost for that product.

1. Add Product Reviews

Want to boost trust and sales? Add product reviews to your emails. Here's how:

Pick recent, relevant reviews that match what you're selling. Focus on products you want to push.

Jigsaw Health did this well. They shared a video review from Ann W. about their MagSoothe product. It included her personal story and experiences.

Many email platforms have a "Reviews block" feature. It automatically adds recent reviews based on your criteria:

  • Minimum star rating
  • Specific products
  • Number of reviews
  • Maximum length

Mix it up:

  • Star ratings for quick impact
  • Short text reviews for easy reading
  • Detailed testimonials for depth
  • Video reviews for a personal touch

Don't just stick reviews at the end. Spread them throughout your email where they fit best.

Make it visual. Use customer photos or product images with reviews. Spivo, a photo gear seller, includes a "Shot of the week" in emails. It shows a customer's story and photo using their product.

Add credibility by including the reviewer's name and relevant details.

"The MagSoothe has been a game-changer for me. I sleep better and feel more energized during the day." - Ann W., Florida

2. Include Customer Photos and Videos

Want to boost engagement and trust? Add customer photos and videos to your emails. Here's how:

Start a hashtag campaign. Beachbody's #2bmindset? It got nearly 157,000 posts from happy clients.

Show off real customers. Parachute does this well with #MyParachuteHome.

Use video testimonials. Short clips of customers talking about your product can be powerful.

Build a content library. Collect user-generated content for easy access when you're creating emails.

Make sure everything looks good on all devices. Mobile, desktop, tablet - your content should shine on all screens.

"Glossier's Mega Greens Galaxy Mask launch? Thousands of users shared selfies with #maskforce. Glossier reposted them on social media."

Always get permission before using customer content. And keep your text-to-image ratio around 60:40 to dodge those pesky spam filters.

3. Share Customer Stories

Customer stories can supercharge your emails. They show real people getting real results. Here's how to use them:

1. Focus on results

Don't just say your product is great. Show it. Dropbox does this well. They include user testimonials in their onboarding emails. These stories show new users exactly how others benefit from Dropbox.

2. Go visual with video

Video testimonials pack a punch. Jigsaw Health used this trick to promote their MagSoothe product. They featured a video review from Ann W., a real customer. Her personal story made the product come alive.

3. Cover different pain points

Cladwell, an app for clothes, nails this. Their emails include three testimonials. Each one shows how the app solves a different problem. Some users connect better with their closet. Others feel more confident. It's smart - different stories appeal to different people.

4. Make it eye-catching

Spivo, who sells photo gear, has a cool "Shot of the week" in their emails. It's a customer story with visuals. They always add a link to see more. It's engaging and pushes people to learn more.

5. Mix with product updates

HubSpot combines customer stories with product news. It's clever. You learn about new features AND see how real people use them. It's a one-two punch that encourages people to dive in and try things.

"Email is the most personal kind of communication we have and that's why it's so effective in customer engagement strategies." - Stewart, Fieldboom

Customer stories work. They're not just fluff. They show your product in action, building trust and sparking interest. Use them wisely in your emails, and watch engagement soar.


4. Use Reviews in Cart Reminder Emails

Cart abandonment is a huge issue. Nearly 70% of shoppers ditch their carts. But here's a trick: use customer reviews in your cart reminder emails.

Why? It works on multiple levels:

  1. Builds trust (19% of shoppers worry about credit card security)
  2. Provides social proof
  3. Addresses buyer concerns

Real-world wins:

  • Figleaves: 37.5% conversion boost
  • Barkal: Helps first-time buyers feel confident
  • Quip: Links health concerns with customer reviews
  • Casper: "Read more reviews" button for big purchases

How to do it:

  1. Choose top reviews
  2. Keep them short and punchy
  3. Add visuals if possible
  4. Link to more reviews
  5. Test different formats

These emails crush it with a 41.18% open rate (vs. 21% for regular marketing emails).

"Word of mouth and reviews are becoming increasingly important in the world of marketing." - Author Unknown

Add reviews to your cart reminders. It's a simple change that packs a punch.

5. Make Review-Based Newsletters

Review-based newsletters can supercharge your engagement and sales. Here's how:

Pick your best customer reviews and make them the stars. Add customer photos or videos to catch the eye. Share quick stories about how your products helped real people.

Make it easy to buy: add links to the products in the reviews. And don't forget to encourage more reviews - JustFab does this well:

"JustFab entices customers into writing a review by offering them reward points for each review given."

Keep it 90% educational, 10% promotional. Make sure it looks good on phones. And always include a clear next step, like "Shop Now" or "Read More Reviews".


Customer reviews are email marketing gold. Use them right, and you'll see trust, engagement, and sales soar. Here's how:

  1. Add product reviews
  2. Include customer photos and videos
  3. Share customer stories
  4. Use reviews in cart reminder emails
  5. Make review-based newsletters

Why do these work? Social proof. A whopping 97% of consumers read product reviews before buying.

Check out these numbers:

Impact of Reviews Percentage Increase
Conversion rate (lower-priced products) 190%
Conversion rate (higher-priced products) 380%
Purchase likelihood (5 reviews vs. no reviews) 270%

Don't just take our word for it. Try it yourself. Add one review to a product page and you might see a 65% sales boost for that item.

Ready to dive in? Here's your game plan:

1. Ask for reviews

Set up an automated system to get feedback after purchase.

2. Showcase the best

Pick reviews that highlight your products' strengths.

3. Test and refine

Try different review placements in your emails and track results.

Start small, measure your results, and watch your email marketing transform.


How to use customer testimonials in your emails?

Customer testimonials can supercharge your email marketing. Here's how to use them:

1. Keep it short

Focus on brief, specific reviews that highlight key product benefits.

2. Show real people

Include customer photos or videos. It adds authenticity.

3. Place them strategically

Add testimonials near product descriptions or offers. It's where they pack the most punch.

4. Get more reviews

Prompt readers to leave their own reviews or check out your review page.

How do I include testimonials in an email?

Try these methods:

1. Product experience reviews

Feature short quotes from happy customers about your product.

2. Video testimonials

Embed short video clips of customers sharing their experiences.

3. Social proof

Show aggregate ratings or the number of positive reviews.

4. Testimonial showcase

Create a dedicated section in your email to highlight different testimonials.

Testimonial Type Benefits Best Practices
Text quotes Easy to add, quick to read Keep under 2-3 sentences, add customer name and photo
Video testimonials Highly engaging, builds trust Keep under 30 seconds, add captions
Social proof Provides quick validation Use specific numbers (e.g., "4.8/5 stars from 1,000+ reviews")

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